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Harley looked at the weapons with an appreciating look. “That’s an interesting blade you got there. The shotgun is in good shape as well as the blade.” Harley nodded in approval.
Harley nodded, “Understandable. You’re too close to my age so I will decide later what’s your new name, calling you a crazy uncle, though right, would be weird….”
Harley paused, “Yeah, still don’t trust you fully, but you’re still the crazy uncle.”
Harley laughed a bit, “More like the carefree/crazy uncle who just wants everyone to get along.”
Harley looked at Elliot sympathetically. “Understandable. Unfortunately that’s what we have to resort to. What’s your weapon choice?”
Harley thought Elliot looked funny but it also made her sad that he was so fearful of her. Harley sighed as she emptied her pockets and took out her belt, throwing all of that onto the chair near the couch away from her. “I’m not trying to scare you, I’m trying to get to know you. So far, there are about four or five people that I have met, in this mansion now, that are capable of protecting themselves. I just wanna know how you survived until this point is all.”
Harley narrowed her eyes a bit at the man before reaching in her pocket and taking out the glinting metal object he saw, revealing it to a switch blade before putting it back, concealing the metal better. “Ah, sorry about that….Elliot. I have learned through my years not to trust easily, you should understand at least that. You do not have to give me anything, in fact, I believe we should talk. Sorry for the scare earlier.” Harley gestured to a seat near the couch as she sat down on the couch herself. Harley nodded towards Kai, rolling her eyes a bit, “I know you did, just checking…..”
Once Harley heard the door open (She never left the kitchen), Harley slipped out one of her blades and watched the man, taking in his appearance with critical eyes. Seeing the others dismiss him, Harley decided to approach him herself, making it obvious that she was coming. She didn’t want to frighten the man, he looked easily scared and could do damage if she managed to scare him. Harley waved at the man, “Hello there, I heard that you’re also a survivor. I’m Harley, you are?” Harley wondered what other things this man has seen to become so pale and easily hysteric, very bad qualities for survival if you asked her.
Harley nodded at Alter, “And now she can have more friends, found a kid around her age, he’s sleeping on the couch now.”
Harley smiled, “Thank you for that, helped a lot.” Harley handed the gun to Alter, “A great gun, I liked it.”
Harley looked at Alter surprised, “Hey, thanks for earlier. You just reminded me….How is Bo doing?” Harley looked at Kai and nodded, “After I see Bo it would be great.”
Harley looked at Kai with a big grin, “That is great!” Harley lost her formalities at this point, she babbled on about the props of such an advantage.
The red head raised an eyebrow and shook her head with a smile on her face, “You’re rich, why will I question where you got weapons? But other than that… I heard from Alter you have .9mm bullets? And if you have any good blades as well…” Harley trailed off thinking.
Harley smiled at Kai in thanks, “No, it is literally a natural thing in humans, because their food is not fully digested it is easy for it to escape because exercise puts pressure on the abdominal, resulting in the person throwing up. (true fact btw)” Harley shook her head at Ather, “No, its fine, you are not straining yourself at the moment and you needed the nutrients.” Harley ate the salad slowly.
Harley’s eyes watched Dakota and Kai before she shrugged, “Survival things, the stuff we need in order to live….” Harley shook her head, “Its better to not eat heavy or large meals, the body turns sluggish, and with running, it may cause one to throw up.”
Harley just pushes the steak towards Ather as she answers Ather’s question. “Eh, I know things…..” Harley answered vaguely.
Harley sort of felt bad but tried to convince herself not to. “No, I wasn’t planning to. Big groups are dangerous for survival, as great as you are for doing this, it can cause many issues if just one of them do something stupid…I’ll stay for a bit, but not for long, after all, there are kids.” Harley looked at Dakota a bit as she said that.