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baby i just want to know that your ok and for you to know i love you that is all
i didn’t think you could’ve read my mind when I left…*looking to the side* after what I did I cant show my true face to anyone… although my ash clone had a small talk with cloud but besides that I’m at the boarder of the state and I’m trying to repent for the sins i committed on B-day that’s what that day was named… *looking at her* but I wanted to give this to you on Valentines day to tell you I still and will forever love you baby
not the real me specifically a ash clone was to deliver this mind picking me back up? *raising an eyebrow*
hey didn’t expect you to drop me and run away baby *smiling a sad smile*
Skyyyy I’m still here *calling from the floor*
Sky where’d you go? *looking round*
Sky? *the head starting to wonder where she went* Skyyyyyyy?!
*a small amount of ash sits in the card but swirls and comes to life into the form of Jax’s head* happy Valentines day baby *smiling*
*Jax’s clone disappears poofs into Sky’s room lays a card on her bed and the clone breaks down*
*grabbing the back of his neck and looking into his eyes* you try harder understood when I return I’ll decide if you’ve made up for what you have done understood? If i make that choice then you know that you’ve done good *looking into his eyes the hate really clear in them* but never think that you can get away from me got it? as much as i hate to admit it with me gone they need as many bodies to remain here as possible that includes you got it?
*Jax’s clone smoking into the room and looking down at Cloud* so that’s it then? your gonna lay there? you may be a waste of space and absolute trash but thats supposed to mean that you make yourself useful you stop being a waste
YOUR NOT GOING ANYWHERE! *walks back in* listen to me ass hole you may be the biggest fucking waste of space i have ever met for pulling the bull shit you pulled but your not gonna walk away from here like a pansy your gonna stay right here and repent for what you did just like what the real me is out there doing right now you got me shit for brains?
YES HE DID!!!! *Jax yells from down the hall*
*spitting at him but the spit is really only ash and walks away to Sky’s room and knocks* Sky? Sky it’s….it’s Jax baby look hun I don’t know if you ever wanna see or hear from me again but please come out I’ve come a long way just to get here…