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*Breathing fire to stop Dakota burning away his ice tears sill going down his face*
(thanks alot for waiting guys ipod sucks with this site)
you…*looking at Sky* you are to blame for ALL OF THIS! *throwing an arm at the destruction* no one will ever hurt me again *smokes up high into the sky and uses his smoke to hover as his body is consumed in flames and he creates a fireball half the size of the earth* NOW I WILL WATCH AS ALL THOSE WHO HAVE HURT ME BURN!!!!!!!! *a flaming tear rolls down the side of his face*
(My ipod dowsnt handle this site very well)
(Before anything else happens plz wait i got to get home and use my pc for this i beg that you wait ill be 10mins)
Ill show you what happens when you play with fire!!!!! *burning down the capital building and everything around it*
*breathing fire strait into Dakota’s face* get away from me!!!! *burns down two more buildings*
I wont stop till your all dead!! *buring down another building*
All of you cheating ungreatful lieing bastards die!!!! *he burns down a skyscraper*
*summoning flames all around himself forming them all into a giant dragon with him in the center Jax proceeds to smash and burn down buildings*
*sending a fireball bigger than the rest at hq* ESPECIALLY ALL OF YOU!!!!!!!
*standing at the highest point in the city throwing fireballs the size of a meteor every where in rage watching everyone burn* die everyone just burn and die!!!!!!!!
*witnessing everything from the shadows Jax lets out a roar of anger* if this is the shit thats gonna happen here then im not sticking around *stomping to the door lighting the living room ablaze first* im gonna burn this city to the fucking ground!!! *with that he smokes away not long after screams of horror and death are heard as the city is lit on fire people both evil amd innocent being turned to a crisp*
*laying next to Sky* i promised to keep you safe and i couldn’t…..instead i caused your pain….*he kisses Sky’s face again holding her close*
Sky sky baby stay awake *kisses her again* dont fall asleep stay awake baby