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*been with Sky the whole time is now with her in the house* Sky please im sorry ok ill wear the suit ok? you made for me and i appreciate that *hugs Sky disregarding the cloud* please stop crying
sky we need to go ill wear the suit just for you but Blaze is in trouble
*still wearing the suit and smoke to sky* hey baby its ok its just *noticing he smoked out of the suit* i cant use my powers with ti on and everyone is kinda used to wearing there own things
*sees Sky and jumps* no no no i …uuuuh love ….it *taking the suit and smoking into it* ouch
*Jax looks at them both wide eyed and clearly scared* guys i cant talk myself out of this…
ummmm….. whats that? *smiling but also getting scared of the answer*
sure but you wanna make sure that thing they are doing is “doing” *he makes quotes with his fingers*
*jumps up as well* you wanna go find these guys and teach them a lesson? and then get rid of there drugs?
*clutching a fist then looking at Sky with a dangerous smile* hey wanna take up some directive work Sky?
*turning the TV back on and it was on the news before Jax changes the channel there is a news bulletin* three homeless men were assaulted today by five men in what police say was drug related attacks this is the third in a line of assaults *Jax grows a scowl at this bulletin* those men…*the three pictures on the screen* i helped them not too long ago…
*smoking back to Sky putting an arm around her* back babe *kisses her head*
i gotta hit the bathroom babe *smoking into the hallway goes to the bathroom but hears the banging* yo D wanna take a walk to the park man?
*walks Sky over to the couch and sits down making her fall onto her lap*
*smoking over behind Sky putting his arms around her and resting his head atop of hers* so Sky wanna watch TV?
hey Dakota i got a god idea for you go find Fallen she was here earlier