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*hopping over the railing and walking a little forward* hey ether of you like art?
there ya go come on then *putting an arm around them both* lets go cause some trouble *walking out a side door*
so what like anyone has really see you here? come on you’ll have more fun with us than here *bending so he is eye level with Vanessa*
nice! like the art work? *nodding his head to the graffiti*
a new kid they wouldnt expect you in the first place its easy to say you couldn’t find the school or something like that *walks till he’s right in front of her*
and? weren’t they made to be broken? besides i do it all the time *walking towards her as he talks* hell im barely here half the time and they don’t care at all
i dont wanna be here ether but i got bored wanna get outta here? *putting the can into his bag looking at her*
about to run scared are we? *Mitch calls to Vanessa already starting a new piece of art on the wall*
*hearing the screams from the lockers where he was putting graffiti* a teacher died cant say i blame whoever did it *goes back to work*
Name: Mitchel Voss
Age: 18
Description: blonde hair in a Faux hawk three steel studs in one ear and a bar in the other blue-green eyes and 6foot 2inches
Wearing: black tee shirt blue jeans with a chain on one side black leather bracelet on left arm two thick silver rings on right hand a silver woven chain round his neck with dog tags of a cross on it and grey high-top sneakers
Extra* wears a gray military back pack with a lot of straps on it
Extras: both parents and school gave up on him since 3rd grade
schedule: no one expects him to follow it or even be at school
*Jax looks at Cloud* hey i dont think we were properly acquainted yet I’m Jax with an x *using his smoke to stand up and puts a hand out to him*
*i finish wiping away the tears and look forward* i will never watch someone burn in my flames again no one like you anyways *looking at sky*
*Jax hears footsteps and looks up to see Sky he hadn’t wiped the tears from his eyes yet and starts to quickly wipe them away* hey sorry for that back there
*thinking back Jax resees his parents burning he shakes his head whole body shaking more he goes to a dark corner and sits down in it*
sorry if thats her test im leaving *walks out with a small shake in his step*