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*the air around me gets hotter but i ignore him when i feel Sky’s head* baby your really warm are you feeling sick?
*holds Sky to give him a reason not to punch Dakota*
*looking back at Dakota* your my problem you broke my radio and my problem is also that I’ve got people fucking hunting me down for something I’d say i already made up for!
*looking down at Sky* hey decided to come out of your room?
*heating up his cereal bowl till it shatters*
*barging out of his room* fix. it. now. asshole. *looking strait at Dakota*
*not really able to hear anything but left the door unlocked*
*Jax proceeds to turn it up*
*walking over into my room not paying attention to anything and i put on my music really loud in my room to not hear a thing but everyone hears it* (Imagine really loud screaming angry music)
Yeahahaha! i knew ya could *getting off his board next to her*
*heading up the ramp but checking on Vanessa*
I’ll catch you if you do now faster! *riding faster towards the ramp*
come on it doesn’t take much just a little speed *moving her towards the ramp by putting a hand behind her back and riding his board*
(she’s not) *Jax after calming down a bit walks back in through the front door*
*riding up a ramp then back down and back over to Vanessa* man that’s fun you should do it V