The Basics

Display Name

Kyouko Kasodani



My Information





Interested In

New Friends, Roleplaying, Gaming


“Greetings are a mental oasis.”
Good morning! I’m Kyouko, a yamabiko. Not a dog, a yamabiko. What’s a yamabiko? We’re yokai that live at the mountains and yell back when people scream at us.
I believe I came from a cursed… computer? That’s what everyone seems to be calling those mystery boxes.
Alternate Accounts: @deaftoallbutthesong
Source: Touhou: Ten Desires
Species: Yamabiko (echo yokai)
Birthday: We’ll say 2nd December, the day the account was made.
Personality: Kyouko is cheerful, plays by the rules, and has a keen sense of self-discipline. On a normal day she seeks enlightenment. However she can become rebellious, especially when confronted with someone who doesn’t respond to her greeting, or after a hard day’s work.
Abilities: Kyouko has the ability to reflect sound, as well as her own energy bullets, off of semi-visible barriers. The barriers don’t affect matter so they can be walked through by pretty much anyone.
She is also able to mimic just about any sound she hears but it’s not the most useful ability to have. It makes a neat party trick though!
She’s also good at sweeping leaves. She carries her broom practically everywhere.
Occupation: Previously a priestess-in-training before coming to Skyrie. She will most likely continue that line of work in the future.
Origin: Kyouko came from a cursed computer that was playing Touhou 13. In a similar case to Mystia, Kyouko left the computer with one life remaining. She is uncertain as to how this happened. The gamer who was playing didn’t react in fear, but in shock, descending into a spaced out daydreaming state. While distracted, Kyouko attempted to grab the gamer’s attention to ask where she was but instead got the mumblings of a man lost in a perverted fantasy, so she slammed him with her broom and stormed out.
The computer was nowhere near Skyrie, so Kyouko had wandered the Otherworld in search of a way to return to the temple she previously worked at. Going back the way she came didn’t seem to work. She couldn’t get back in the screen. It was through this wander that she ended up at Skyrie’s borderlands.