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“Of course I’m not, I can’t handle all the be gentle, kind, caring, sweet, innocent act. All of that stuff is just stupid honestly and unrealistic, there’s no being in this world who does not have ugly emotions or harmful acts either emotionally or physically. It’s impossible.” Celest says in a semi rant as her wings raised up a bit. The topic was something that she had strong emotions towards and couldn’t usually get off her chest since most of the angels she has been surrounded by play that innocent role until they are in a position of power with no one to enforce that act. Although she wants to say more on the topic she stops herself from going into the specifics of expriences she had.
Noticing that other angel as they got close to the river Celest froze hoping that the angel didn’t hear her small rant.
Celest pouted at Jaya “I’m not fluffy” she says as she fixes her feathers down. “And no I’m not going to give you some of my feathers, you’ll have to rip my wings off before that” she says seriously while she finishes fixing off her wings.
Celest looked at Jaya as her wings flared up “I’ve been in a couple of battles” she said glaring at him. Noticing that if she were to continue on feeding into him it won’t help with her concertration and mess up her transformation, she then sighed and hardened her grip on her staff to calm down a bit.
Celest looks at Jaya with disgust for killing the bird, “If you were really that hungry you could’ve said something instead of acting like you’ve lost your senses” she said before taking off her bookbag and taking out some snacks. “Or at least come prepared for this mission.” She said smiling a bit and feeling glad the she was at least somewhat prepared.
“I don’t mind a little platonic fights here and there, not that you’ll last too long anyway” Celest says confidently at Jaya.
“Yeah you pretty much are one already” Celest said smiling. “Weren’t you just advocating for peace? Unless perhaps your true colors as a violent demon are starting to show, maybe this mission is too much for you to take on.” Celest said smirking at Jaya.
Celest quickly began sketching the areas that they have covered so far to as much detail as she can cover. “Spending the day drinking and sleeping sounds like being lazy or some type of loser, I think you really gotta change those habits but it seems like this is something that’s been going for a while so I suppose you’ll probably stick to being a sad demon drinking the day away.” Celest said taking her time and looking over the map for any mistakes since she was having a bit of a hard time concentrating since most of it was going towards her transformation.
“It’s better to have your mind clear then to just waste it with drinking but if that’s how you float then do what you gotta do” Celest said while pointing her staff at Caligula. “Halfway readable isn’t enough, let me do it I can at least draw and make a readable map” Celest says holding her hand out to Caligula.
“Isn’t it a bit too early into the day to be thinking about drinking already?” Celest said looking a Caligula questionably, wondering how can a person think about wanting a drink when the day just started. “And if we’re gonna go exploring the land or whatever let’s at least try and map it out as we go” she said not wanting to end up lost later on.
“If that’s what you’re looking forward to seeing in an angel then good luck with that most of them are more judgmental than me or even ruder, I can tell you that from experience alone.” Celest says while glaring at Jaya. She notices the rabbit and decides to pick up a nearby rock and throw it close to the rabbit causing it to run off. “Aww..man seems like it ran off” she says trying to hold back a smile, she mainly did the act to scare off the rabbit she really wasn’t in the mood to see something happen to it.
“Hopefully we can find some more angels around here, it’ll be pretty weird if I’m the only one who’s actually doing this thing” Celest couldn’t help but wonder if there were any other angels beside her on the mission and if she really was the only one who actually volunteered for it. In the end she didn’t want to be the only angel surrounded by a bunch of demons.
“Hm..there are many angels with different abilities but that is all I shall say I’m not just gonna leak out information all willy nilly, after all not all information is supposed to be public” Celest says while she transform the knife back into a rock and drops it back onto the ground.
Celest looked at Caligula “Wow that’s pretty weak, can’t really do much with that, I mean my powers are kinda weird I wouldn’t call them call them super amazing but I myself sure am” she said smiling proudly. “Well then, watch and be amazed maybe” she said as she summoned her staff which had a blinking eye with a halo at the end surrounded with wings and a ribbon tied below eye. She then grabbed a nearby rock that was somewhat large and threw it into the air and pointed the staff to it and transforming the rock into a somewhat large knife. Celest then grabs the knife once it is at close range, “Tadaa! I can transform things to what I want them to be!” Celest says playing with the knife.
Celest looked at the two “Wow you two must live some horrible lives up in hell, sucks to be you two” she said with a smile. “I’m curious though what type of powers do the two of you have? I’m sure you guys can do something or maybe not after all you all look worthless and absolutely weak! I on the other hand look absolutely amazing!” She said breaking out into laughter.