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“If you believe reality to be the one and only truth then you hold yourself back but if you deny reality as the only truth then sometimes you can be able to defy the standards that have been set for you.” Celest says looking at Caligula,”It’s okay to be a realist and all but you have at least try and think outside of what reality has to offer sometimes.”
“Okay.” Asona says as she begins opening some of the oysters, “What do you plan on getting with selling pearls anyway? I never knew they were so valuable on land” Asona asks curiously not really knowing how valuable pearls were despite wearing some on her head.
Asona looked at Theon and gave a cheerful smile, “Oh yes, I’ve been to many interesting and fascinating and beautiful places and have met plenty of wonderful and well horrible people along the way. I’m trying to gather lots of amazing stories to encourage the people of my town to explore the world as well.” she says as she follows him down to the sea floor.
“Then I guess in some sense we are somewhat similar, after all I don;t fit any of the standards of what angels are supposed to be like either. Aureolin is much more of an actual or more like a complete angel than me but that doesn’t mean you have to live and think that way all the time.” she says as she opens her sketchbook to look at her outfit design and begins sewing it together.
Asona looked at Theon with a bit of worry, “Uh..why are people looking for you if you don’t mind me asking.” She says following him, matching up to his pace. “Hm..I don’t think I ever heard of those places before either, I guess there’s still a lot of places in this world I have yet to travel to.” Asona says thinking of how much more places she’ll be able to travel to and the stories she would tell her family when she decides to visit her home.
“God you’re such a pessimistic demon, you keep talking about how weak you are or unable to do anything.” Celest says as she finishes her food, “You should try and at least think a bit more positively about yourself and abilities sometimes.” she continues as she takes off her book bag and takes out a sketchbook and an outfit she decides to continue her work on.
Asona looked down at the city in complete amazement, “wow! It’s so beautiful!!” She says excitedly, “So that’s what a city looks like! That’s a million times better looking than the town I come from!” She says thinking back to how small and crammed her town is as she followed Theon. “Why would that be better?” She says curiously.
“Just because you didn’t lose anything doesn’t mean you have the upper hand in this situation. If I were to say anything about the limiters for sure I think it brings me back to the point in my life where I was still training my powers to get stronger when I was weaker. I’m sure the others may feel a sense similar to that. Therefore if I can remember my limits from then I can understand my limits currently.” Celest says eating some of her food.”In the end you can turn a situation such as this where you have the underhand into one where you can have the upper hand no matter what if we know how to.” She says looking at Caligula.
“It sounds like quite the efficient weapon, I think learning how to use it would be a great opportunity after all I mainly know how to protect myself with a knife so being able to use other weapons will be very great.” Asona says cheerfully as she clasps her hands together.
“Aww…keep wishing all you like but I doubt that’ll ever happen to you.” Celest says with a smile.
Celest looked at Caligula, “yeah, yeah, you were right earlier. I messed up a bit on the transformation and because of these stupid limiters I can’t keep up that good cross dressing I had earlier. Also yes that is my name.” she says with a sigh.
“That must be quite a hard person that they have to deal with up there.” she says thinking back to the pirates. “So you enjoy fighting then, that’s interesting. Also cool choice of a weapon, you don’t usually hear of a person fighting with a harpoon so often.” she says with a smile.
Neno just listens to them silently before speaking up, “Well my past was probably horrible no use in having bad memories or any at all'” she says shrugging it off.