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“You can claim a part of a cave wow that’s pretty cool, I didn’t know people can do that type of stuff but I guess it’s a good and steady place to live in huh?” she says happily.
“So where are all of you going?” she asks curiously tagging along with the group.
Neno looks blankly at Diplo not really understanding the situation well, “Okay” she says shrugging not seeing the problem in it.
“I’m pretty sure I was one, I mean I remember some stuff from being one so it would be kinda odd to hate being a species that you used to be don’t you think?” she says laughing to herself.
“Atlantis..?” she says in confusion for she had never heard of such places in her life before. “Well…more like near an abyss very, very far away, in a small town.” she says thinking back to her old town. “Yeah, never heard of any kingdoms. Never even knew there were any.” she says truthfully.
“It’s not a complete lie, I don’t really have the guts to do anything. I haven’t even done a single violent act so far.” she says truthfully. “I’m Neno Beshima” she says with a smile.
Neno decides to back up a bit, “I really don’t mean to do anything.” Although she had thoughts of doing something at first she didn’t want to give into them “I am nothing but a weakling.” she says waving her arms in the air, what she said was a lie of course since she is able to hurt others but she thought it was a good thing to say to gain trust.
“Orthros and Chimera…?” Neno says to herself not really knowing much of them, “Sorry don’t know about them but nice to meet you Diplo. I am Neno Beshimel, a fairly new demon.” She says with slight pride as she tries to look over Diplo to get a better look at Zhangxi.
“Valantis? Sorry I don’t think I’ve ever heard of it before..I must be extremely far away then” she said awkwardly for not knowing anything about a kingdom or ever hearing of one before. “Thanks? I guess.” she says in confusion “I usually get into a lot of trouble so I’m always bound to get one or two…or a couple…” she says thinking about all the situations she got herself into.
Neno let out a small laugh, “That makes sense, I’m fairly new here, I guess I should be a bit more defensive as well..maybe?” she says to herself questionably. “If you don’t like doggy then do you mind giving a name?” she asks kindly as she gently taps his nose and gives a big smile.
“What’s wrong doggy? Don’t tell me you’re threatened by little old me now.” she says innocently. “I can’t look that scary.” she says playing with her hair a bit, “I’m just a wandering demon, no need to get so…so..what was it again? Ah, defensive” she says calmly.
Neno continues her small laughter before stopping and getting herself together, “Hello there~” she says sniffing the air, “ah~what interesting smells, I’ve never met beings like you before.” She says walking closer to the group. She had the urge to want and take a taste of their blood but knew that, that will cause problems so she decided to be well behaved.
Neno walks calmly through the cave singing a song in strange language to herself quietly before stopping when she notices the group, “Oh my, oh my, what lovely people do I see~” she says slightly sleepy. She couldn’t help but think of ways to hurt them upon first sight but she held it to herself and gave a short laugh as her tail gently swayed back and forth.
“Whatever, I have a question I’ve been wanting to ask” Asona says collecting her thoughts as to not get distracted. “Just curious but where in the world are we located at currently?” she asks curiously trying to figure out how far a way from home has she journeyed.
“Dodging is easy and all but the most important thing to do more than anything else is to defeat the enemy before they defeat you” Asona said with a calm expression thinking back to the last couple of times she had to save herself from a bad situation.