The Basics

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Lucy + Sabrina + Uzzah (Daughters of Cerberus) / KerberusianHelltakerSugarBeasts



My Information






Skyrieverse / Gehenna's Netherhell

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Name: Lucy, Sabrina, and Uzzah
Proud Member of the SugarBeast Branch of the GrandSugarClan
Collective Clan Name: KerberusianHelltakerSugarBeasts
Race: Human/Hellhound Hybrids
Mother: High Priestess Ashi (deceased)
Father: Cerberus
Aunt: Hellhound (UnbridledSugarBeast)
Savior/ former legal guardian: Ginko Bellanieve Sakatachi
Legal Guardians: Kaname and AkutoSosuke (of the GrandSugarClan)

Crushes/Love Interests: Kota, Ryuuji and Ouzou (Triplet Devils of the SugarDemons)

Basics: The Daughters of Cerberus were born of Cerberus and a High Priestess named Ashi, who was also the leader of a cult named The Vermillion Lotus. The Vermillion Lotus were a group of female priestess/warriors who’s sole purpose was to assassinate anyone that was a major threat to the Immortal Fangs from Netherhell. In essence, they were human-hellhound hybrids who were turned by the High Priestess using shape shifting magic. But the daughters she had were blood descendants of Cerberus himself, so their hybrid human/hellhound bloodline was pure. The High Priestess intended to raise her children as she had molded the assassins of her cult. The training was brutal and designed to sculpt them into ninja warriors of sorts. But after watching her daughters as children being so innocent, playing and showing her such love that she couldn’t handle and she felt it made her weak in her status and mission. She took advantage of the time when the pre-apocalypse created a rift long enough for her to get her girls out of Netherhell and there she encountered Ginko. She quickly gave the girls to her and explained that she just didn’t want the same life for them that she had subjected others to. After giving up her daughters, she was stripped of her status, a new and more brutal High Priestess took her place and she was ripped apart and eaten by Cerberus himself for what was considered to be a treachery.

Occupation: Future Hellhound Queens / Students at True Crossover Academy of the Blue Flames

Ninjutsu: They are trained in the art of ninjutsu.
Peak Speed: They can run extremely fast, enough to dodge arrow and machine-gun fire.
Trap Masters: They are capable of creating effective booby traps.
Fusion: A technique where the three daughters appear to combine into one with six arms, used for overpowering opponents.

Alliances: GrandSugarClan