The Basics

Display Name

Arios YoshidaSakata (DaiyokaiSatōSenshi)



My Information


Full Name: Arios Leviath Sesshoryu YoshidaSakata
Birthdate: October 31st
Older Half-brother of Kogi
Younger half-sister Leona
Member of the SugarBeast Branch, the Satou ForsaRoyale Unit and the SatoNoSenshi SubUnit within the GrandSugarClan
Official Clan Name: DaiyokaiSatōSenshi
Although he proudly considers himself a descendant of Sesshomaru’s bloodline, his bloodline is the same as his half-brother Kogi, except for their maternal side which is currently unknown.
great great great grandson of Inuyassha NoTaisho Sakata and Ranma Shukumaru Saotome
great great grandson of Gintoki Lucifer WhiteSugarDemon Sakata and Helena SweetSugarSeraphim Sakata
great grandson of Leonardo Gintora Testarossa Sakata and Ren Mikihara-Testarossa
grandson of Tomoe Lucius Testarossa
Son of Xerxes Inuyassha Taisho Testarossa Sakata
Uncle of Shiroyassha

Plot: Unable to have children of his own. He wishes to kill his half-brother Kogi in order to take guardianship of Shiroyassha and take full control of the GrandSugarClan Empire.*

**Images used for this character are in my character’s photo album, most are Daihannya Nagamitsu (Touken Ranbu), Arataki Itto (Genshin Impact), Shouyou Yoshida (Gintama), Arios (Angelique)