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Name: Maxine
Gender: Female, but she likes to be referred by he online.
Age: 15
Skills: Writing, drawing, is amazing ability to sing not at all/sing really bad, she’s able to make a farting sound with her hands. She loves to colour hair, she’s gotten pretty good at it. She’s also like extremely good at pokemon.
Looks: Dirty blonde hair that looks more brown then blonde, especially when wet. Her blue eyes look more green then blue, but they are indeed blue.
Personality: Ugh, she hates thinking about her personality. It’s not like it hurts her, but it’s more like she can’t think of her own personality very well. She’s nice to nice people, she’s rude to people that are either rude to her, or to people she doesn’t know. Well, it’s not like she’s rude to people she doesn’t know, but more like she gets a gut feeling she wouldn’t get along with them very well, and then she gets slightly more rude to them as to other people. She’s been trying to get out of her pervy thoughts, but they come back every so often. She’s a full christian, but it’s not like she’s lecture you on the bible or anything, don’t worry. She’s a bit of a scaredy cat, so she tries not to do many adventurous things in the real world. She’ll definitely be more eccentric online. Oh, she also hates typing, pencil and paper are more her thing.
Magic: She has the ability to bring one army of hot guys a day for a not very long period of time, or one or two hot guys for a much longer period of time. Oh, and they’re her’s, not yours. -
Plopping his boxes on his bed, Colt stretched his arms out. “Ugh,” he sighed, “I can finally rest my arms for a bit. Wait, where will I rest now…?” Great, he’s talking to himself now. Maybe, if he can just lay on the other bed, he’ll be fine. After all, he partner isn’t here yet, so it’ll be all fine and done. Just a few minutes, even seconds and then he can start unpacking.
He walked over to the other bed, and lazily threw himself on it. “Mmm, comfortable.” He sighed dreamily, zoning off. -
Name: Colt
Age: 16
Personality: He is quick, analytical, and has a clever mind. He is creative, original, and independent. Patience is not his forte. He does, however, have leadership ability and would never be happy in a subservient position. He is ambitious and aggressive by nature. But, he has a tendency to worry about things.
Appearance: Short, blonde hair, with sharp green eyes. A piece of his hair, (which is a bit longer than the rest,) on his right side, is dyed a light blue. He wears a plain light green t-shirt, with black shorts. Blue sneakers is what he usually wears for shoes. He has a few hand-made bracelets on his wrists.
Ability: Static shock. When touching metal or water, he can deliver a shock between 1-10. 1 being a whisper of electricity, and 10 being fatal. He rarely does ten though, because it tires him out a lot. Plus, it’s hard to control, and there’s rarely a use for it. He can also shock someone when touching the person he wants to shock.
Room Number: 178
Room Mate?: Yes, his name is James -
Max got up from his chair and walked out of the auditorium. He was a second year after all. The day’s dismissed, maybe I should finish that book I was reading…He thought, walking over to the tree he always sat in. He climbed up easy and got comfortable on a branch. He brought out his PDA and scrolled through all the books and stories he had on it.
Finally finding it, he started to read. -
What happens if you forget your personal PDA?
-Name: Max
-Brief physical description: Messy black hair with pale skin and piercing electric blue eyes. He has a piercing in his right ear, and wears black all the time. A long black overcoat; with a black undershirt underneath it, and black skinny jeans make up his attire. He also has his black combat boots on and sometimes you can see him wearing a black or navy blue fedora. He has his twin swords on him at all times, but mainly uses the 25+ daggers that he carries.-Age: 16
-Magical Abilities: He can bend electricity to his will and can change his weapons, like a dagger for a bow and arrow(s).
-Any other info you’d like to share: He is currently a student at the school, and he hates crowds of people…yeah…
He can’t make friends easily, probably because first, he doesn’t care for others (except his pet cat named Rico). Second, He can’t stand people. And third, he doesn’t need anyone else. Well, that’s what he liked to believe.
He’s really gentle with Rico, a small black cat with mysteriously, green eyes. -
Le rules have been read over and I can deal with~
Name: Max Porter
Affiliation: Dark and Water
Height: 5″9
Weight: 155lbs
Appearance: Black hair that he wears messy, with electric blue eyes. He has pale skin and has a piercing in his right ear. He wears a long black overcoat and a black shirt underneath it. He wears black skinny jeans and black combat boots. At times you can sometimes find him wearing a black fedora. He has around 25 daggers, but he leaves most of them at his lodging.
Bio: ((My first time writing his history, heh, this is a rare event.)) Max lived in a poor family, he had a little sister, as with,-of course- a mother and a father. His parents were normal, ones who could not produce magic. His sister could use light magic. His mother’s father could use light magic, so his sister got it from him. His father’s mother used water magic, while his father’s father could use dark magic.
One day, they couldn’t pay their bills, so instead they sold Max. he was sold to people who didn’t care for him, so he ran away. He ran to the forest, he loved being in the forest. A river cut through the forest, and when it was night time, the forest became pitch black. The only light coming from the moon. He lived in the woods ever since.
One day, while he was going over to get some water, someone stood in front of him. He told max that he was the High Warlock. He wanted to bring Max other to the magic school. he gave Max lodging, since he had none other than the trees. Now he works on his magic, hiding in the shadows since he didn’t like talking to people.
Other: Max is oblivious to love, but he adores cooking. He doesn’t have a pet, but a small, black cat follows him on occasion. The cat can always be found with him when he cooks.((Heoff, this took longer than expected. Probably from the bio, haha, I went a bit overload on there. xD ))
Hmm, interesting, could I be the mage and you be the apprentice?
I like the sound of modern + magic, so lets do that