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Bailey’s ears picked up the words: Dragon and slayer. Looking around her, she crunched on more ice. Snapping her eyes in the direction of two young ladies. Finishing her ice water, she walked over to them. Smiling, “Hi!”
Bailey arrived in front of the huge door of the specific guild she had become a part of. Fairy Tail. She loved the guild like it was her family, even if it was loud. Heck, she’d probably join in with the yelling every once and a while.
She had returned from her job, so she hoped she would finally get some down time. She doesn’t get that very often. Opening the doors, she stepped in. At once, the quite outside was now the loud inside. Well, at least it wasn’t as loud as a party. Now that’s something.
Putting one foot in front of the other, she looked around. It looked less full then usual, maybe they’re out on a job. That’s probably it, she thought. Walking over to an empty table, her long, light blue hair bouncing on her back, she sat down on a stool. She sighed, finally, I get some time off.
Running her fingers through her hair, he called up a waitress. “I’d like some ice cold water. Remember fill it to the brim with ice please.” The waitress nodded her head and a few minutes later brought back what Bailey had ordered. “Thanks,” Bailey said and tipped her.
Taking a long sip of the water, she took some ice out of the cup and chewed it. -
Drying himself off, he grabbed his shirt and his towel and put them into his bag before walking back to his hotel. It just so happens to be at the same hotel as Canada too. Taking the elevator, he walked over to his room and opened the door. Walking in, he set his bag down on the floor. Flopping on the bed, he sighed. Vacation? No way is this the vacation I had thought of. I probably should have invited some of my friends. He grinned, Thinking about what would happen if he had brought along his friends. He laughed, seeing all the havoc they probably would cause. Maybe, it’s actually a good thing that I didn’t bring them. Going to his suitcase, he took out his laptop and searched up one of the anime’s he was watching.
Japan finally got up from his position, which was laying down on the sand with one hand covering his eyes. Jumping up, he yelled out an “Ahhhhh!” Took off his shirt, and practically dived into the water. Opening his eyes, he watched the sand covered ocean floor before breaking to the surface of the water. Catching his breath, he stayed afloat and looked around him. I wish someone was here for me to swim with… He sighed out, and began to swim to the side to see if anyone else was at the beach too.
Racing to where he believed he saw the boy last, he didn’t look back for a second. He sped down a street and took a left, finally stopping when he saw a glint of blue head down a little ally way. Heading that way, he saw the boy from earlier. Finally caught up with him, it really didn’t take long at all! Zane would come in handy when I try to get Finn out of the city. Getting off track, he thought about how he could get him out. if Zane could increase my speed like this when I, no if I fight him. I could totally win! My fighting skills aren’t that good, but hey, I can throw a punch nicely. Snapping out of his thoughts, he couldn’t see the one he was trailing anywhere. Darn it! I lost him, I really should have gotten him when I had the chance! He thought angrily to himself.
Dashing from the ally, he saw shops everywhere, he hadn’t seen this place before. Probably because, he never went past from the downtown area. This was way farther, maybe he should go here more often. Looking at the shops, he could see a bakery, a coffee shop, a restaurant, and even a shop that solely sells cookies!
Thinking back to the boy, Now if I was him, where would I go to steal something?
His eyes snapped to the bakery, as he walked to it. Looking through the windows, his eyes watched all the people who went in, went out, and the ones that were still in the small shop. But to no avail, the boy wasn’t there. His second option was the cookie mart. Looking over there, he could see no-one in there. Sighing, I knew he came this way, where could this boy have gone!
Roaming his eyes all around the plaza, he saw every speckle of detail. There was a fountain in the middle, with shops lining the streets, five on each side. People walked slowly, enjoying their day. A few benches were here and there. And on one of them a boy sat eating a cookie, bear in hand. Colt’s eyes lit up as he saw the boy there. Walking up to him, well more like speed walking, he cleared his throat. “It seems I’ve finally caught up with you.” -
Name: Raven Porter
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Personality: With an innocent look of blonde hair and aqua eyes, it’s another story with his personality. He’s quite the hot-head and is more of a punk. He has his ears pierced with sliver rings and he absolutely despises wearing anything that makes him look weak. Being the way he is, it takes him awhile to calm down. He often blurts things out which isn’t always a good thing. He is intelligent, but fakes that every once and awhile. He can be sneaky and devious, but the only thing he’s really good at is picking a fight. He might not look like it, but he’s quite good at remembering things. For example, a birth date or someone’s name you said only once. He’s really loud, but you’ve probably figured that out already.
Appearance: He has short blonde hair that barely covers his ears. With sparkling aqua eyes, and he has his ears pierced with small silver rings. He wears a plain red shirt, with basket ball shorts, so he can move more freely. Skater shoes are a must, as with black finger-less gloves.
Game-player or crime fighter: game player
2 abilities you will choose: More strength than a regular person, and the ability to see through things, whether it be a car to someone that is hiding a pen in their pocket.
Location (where you live.. apartment, house..etc): In an apartment that he shares with his roommates.
Angel or Devil: Devil
Weapons if any: He has nothing other than a small hand held knife.
Tattoo: On his upper left arm
Snapping out of his thoughts, he grinned at Zane. “You’ve got a deal.” After hearing that I would have twice as much power than the Unknown, I just have to take it. This also would mean that I would have the chance to catch up. I can’t run all that fast, but I’m certainly not the slowest. With this, I can totally catch up to this kid.
Japan walked along the shore of the beach, his iPod in hand. Sliding his thumb across the screen, he searched for some good dubstep. Finally finding one, he turned around, watching the ocean. He was bored, there wasn’t anything to do, he thought traveling to the beach was fun. But, it seemed like there was absolutely no one here. Sitting down, he watched the waves wash in and out. He bare feet in the water, he positioned himself with him lying on his arms, watching the sky.
Colt thought about it, sure if I got the help, it would come in handy. But, what if I run out of energy and can’t catch up to him. There’s also the possibility of side affects. It might be worth it, but like before. What if I don’t catch up in time? He did say that I would be able to catch up to him. Though the thing is, he doesn’t know how far the kid has gone yet. Finally deciding, he looked at him and asked. “I don’t believe I have caught your name, what is it? I’m Colt, by the way.” After saying it, he thought back to the problem. I should probably just ask how long of that super charging he can do. Maybe he could only just do an hour, or maybe he could do five hours, he thought. “Also, how long can you do that. The super charging I mean. Because, if you can’t do it for all that long, then there’s really no point in it at all. He’s probably already pretty far from here. After I had watched him run away from me, I could see how fast he can run.” ”
Trying to calculate a plan, his eyes roamed over a man running after that girl who had shouted at them. -
Nation: Japan
Name: Yukimura Taiki
Gender: Male
Appearance: Short black hair with black eyes. He’s around 5″7, and has pale skin. He likes to wear bright and flashy colours. Like neon yellow and green. He’s skinny, but not super skinny. You can usually find him sporting a bright yellow t-shirt, with some red skinny jeans. Not usually, but sometimes, he wears some sort of hat. Whether it be a top hat or a baseball cap. He likes to wear sneakers the most, they’re comfy and easy to wear (Pokemon inside joke to all those that can get that reference). If you ever catch him using his phone, you can see that it’s a bright pink colour.
Personality: Like his clothes, he’s bright and positive. He’s kind-hearted, but sometimes, if you really annoy him, he will snap at you. He’s stubborn if he doesn’t like something and will always point that out. He doesn’t like being in the centre of attention, which is kind of ironic because his clothes catch people’s eyes. Like i’ve also said before, if he doesn’t like something, he will always point that out to you. Whether it be personal or not.
Dislikes: Colours like black and navy blue, actually all colours that aren’t bright. People that lie, people who aren’t true to themselves. Quiet people.
Likes: Loud people, anime, sweets, rice, and the colour yellow. He also likes: fish, dubstep, and bright pink.
Other: His given name, or as some people get confused with, Taiki, means radiance, and shine. Also, he will always add: -kun, -san, -cchi, or -chan, to people.