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Name: Bailey
Age: 16
gender: Female
Appearance: She has really, really light Blue hair (like Jack Frost’s hair colour) that comes past her waist and ocean blue eyes. She wears a toque that looks like a polar bear, a blue short sleeved shirt, and black shorts. She wears black combat boots to. Her insignia is on her left ankle, it’s a snow white colour.
Personality: She loves to have fun, and she’s a loyal friend to everyone she makes friends with. She’s stubborn, technical at times, and has a hot temper (kinda ironic).
Magic specialty: Ice dragon slayer magic, she also knows a bit of Ice make magic. But only the basic stuff, like Ice make wall or Ice make ground. Also those moves aren’t as powerful seeing how their more on the defensive side.
Guild: Fairy Tail
Team name: She usually just goes on jobs alone, so she doesn’t really have a team name. Though if you insist her to tell you a name that she would want as her team name, it would be: Team Fairy for Fairy tail. Her first and last Guild.
Other team members (If any): Like I’ve said before, she goes on missions/jobs alone.
Weapon (If any): Her weapon of choice is her magic.
Other: Nuggets! Her dragon’s name is Frostoa (pronounced Frost-toe-ah). This is what she looks like: https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRRkIHUulRZ-C9K8JmkXxBlVA3hJe1Jr1eos_03CIFmkjhXMSE2 -
Looking over at the man in front of him, he climbed up all the way onto the roof. “Sure,” he said then looked down to find a girl holding a pole. Raising an eyebrow, he watched as she pointed out the ally. He could barely make out what she looked like, seeing how he was up so high. Sighing, he let his attention focus back on the young man in front of him.
(I sorry it so short…
I’ll try to make it longer another time.) -
Stepping back slightly he saw the bear start to glow, what’s happening? An extreme brightness followed and he shut his eyes tightly and put his hands over his eyes. Extreme brightness really didn’t bother him all that much, but closing his eyes and putting his hands over them helped. Looking up, he saw the boy from earlier on top of a building. He couldn’t see everything, but it seemed he was looking at Colt. Then at the corner of his eye, he saw another man, running over to the kid. Raising an eyebrow, he wondered if the man would be trying to catch the kid. The teen looked around eighteen, maybe nineteen. With dark blue, spikey hair. Not thinking it over all that well, he put his hand by the ladder, he bet the kid used it, and let a four go through it. The electricity crackled and snapped and it went through the ladder to the kid on to of the building. He doubted the kid was holding onto the metal, but he never knew.
Climbing up the ladder, he looked at the kid. -
As he watched the kid’s bear rise up to twelve feet, he thought up a plan. If this teddy bear absorbs electricity, then all I have to do is add to it. Soon enough it’ll become too big to move and attack.
Grinning, he ran over to it. Forcing the palm of his hand to the teddy bear standing before him. Using his static shock ability, he pulsed some of his electricity into the bear. Seeing it grow was so cool! Having it grow so big it couldn’t even walk without bumping, by that he means breaking, into things was awesome! This was one of the best plans he’s come up with yet! -
Turning around, he looked down on the boy. He new he was there trying to steal his wallet. Bad for him though, everyone disliked Colt when they got on his bad side. “Why don’t you skedaddle, kid. If you just wanted something to eat, you could’ve just asked.” He said, “What’s your name? I’m Colt.”
Then turning back he saw Finn started to walk away in the direction him and that kid were in. Pushing him in the ally with himself. He hid in the darkness as he watched Finn walk away. If only I was just a little closer, I could have been able to listen in. He thought angrily.(Nah, I think it’s yours now~)
Name: Colt
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: He is quick, analytical, and has a clever mind. He is creative, original, and independent. Patience is not his forte. He does, however, have leadership ability and would never be happy in a subservient position. He is ambitious and aggressive by nature. But, he has a tendency to worry about things.
Appearance: Short, blonde hair, with sharp green eyes. A piece of his hair, on his right side, is dyed a light blue. He wears a plain light green t-shirt, with black shorts. Blue sneakers is what he usually wears for shoes. He has a few hand-made bracelets on his wrists.
Ability: Static shock. When touching metal or water, he can deliver a shock between 1-10. 1 being a whisper of electricity, and 10 being fatal. He rarely does ten though, because it tires him out a lot. He can also shock someone when touching the person he wants to shock. -
MemberMay 14, 2014 at 12:18 am in reply to: (Starting up an rp cause WHY NOT? Just jump in if you want :P)“Look out!” The elf yelled as he came crashing through the brush. “Wahhh!” Short blonde hair billowed behind him as he sprinted forwards toward two people. Trying not to crash into them, he threw his arms out, but sadly they just propelled him forwards even more. Toppling on top of them, he got up. “Ahh! Sorry! I didn’t mean to do that, it just kinda happened.”
MemberApril 28, 2014 at 8:35 pm in reply to: (Starting up an rp cause WHY NOT? Just jump in if you want :P)Yawning, the elf opened his eyes. Green glittering eyes jumped all over the place trying to remember where he was. Shifting slightly he fell off the branch he was currently sitting on. Widening his eyes, “Wahh!” Falling into a bush, sticks poking him, no it felt like they were stabbing him. His eyes started glowing a bright green, and the sticks were no more but ashes on the ground. Trying to stand up, he saw rips in his coat. “Great, right when I got my new coat too.” He grumbled. Stretching, he looked all around him again. Then he snapped his fingers and clicked his tongue. “Right!” Grinning, he raced into the forest.
My favourite Generation would have to be number two, or as it’s called the Johto region. I love that region because Totodile is my favourite pokemon starter. And because Morty, the ghost type gym leader is too cute. My favourite pokemon are as follows:
1. Totodile
2. Oshawott
3. Grovyle and
4. Leafeon. -
A pure black wolf sat at the edge of the cliff, facing the moon and sky. Glittering blue eyes looked around him, looking for the one who asked the question. “Who am I? Who are you?” He asked, still trying to figure out who was talking. Finally he sighed and gave up. “The names Max,” the wolf said.
A sob shook his body as he looked at his dead teammate, standing in front of him was a emotionless boy of sixteen. His blue eyes looked out of place with all the black he was wearing. But if you looked close enough you could see that his eyes were practically saying don’t mess with me. “W-who are you?” The man said looking up into the boy with the cold eyes. “…Max,” he said and lunged forward. Soon enough all was black for the man.
I love the divergent series, also the Pendragon series is amazing. It’s about a 14 year-old boy who is a traveler. Travelers are people who can travel to different places through something called a flume. Anyways, he goes on a adventure and meets other travelers from the other worlds. Befriending them they try to beat the evil doer. It’s an amazing 10 book, book series.
I love Alex Rider, I haven’t finished the series, but I just love it, it has me hooked. I love the inheritance Cycle. I love how he made it so that if your dragon was gold, the dragon would breathe gold fire. Or if your dragon’s blue, it would breathe blue fire. I just love magic, it’s another of my favorites. -
MemberApril 13, 2014 at 11:56 pm in reply to: What's your most dissapointing movie (anime, tv show, etc.) moment?Oh, I hated Eragon. I don’t like how they made him have a English accent. And Sapphira just didn’t look like what I had imagined. Either way, I really just did not like the movie.