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It was a beautiful day, the sun shining and the birds singing. Well kinda, it was a beautiful day until it randomly started to pour. Seeking shelter, Guy started to speed walk over to a store that provides the dryness that he needs to stay, you know dry. Feeling a hand over his arm, he was pulled into an ally. “Huh? What are you doing?” He said looking at a girl with blonde hair. “Uh, hi..” he said hesitant evident in his voice.
“The names Guy. And you are?” -
Name: Guy
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Weight: 149
History/Personality: His parents were killed when he was 10, so he lived with his grandma. Then when he was old enough, which is 16 for him, he moved in with Max. Though once and a while he visits his grandma. Even if his parents died he is still all happy and silly. He loves to make people laugh and smile and all around just a bright and kind-hearted teen.
protagonist/antagonist and role: Protagonist, and I don’t really know what you mean by role so I’ll edit it later.
Skills (optional): Great at washing dishes, and is better at long range fighting instead of short range. He is also very snazzy with a pencil… lol reference to school. -
Looking down, Link saw the leather bag and the badge right on top of it. Tilting his head, he sat down pawing at the bag. He sighed annoyed, “Excuse me, but how am I supposed to put this on? I have paws, not hands. If you expect me to put it on your going to need to help me.” Link said, looking at the bag. “Also,” he said while still eyes casting down towards the bag. “I’m in, it sounds exciting.”
He closed his eyes annoyed with himself, I wished I had Guy with me. Even if he is… at times a bothersome Treecko. -
Name: Max
Gender: Male
Fandom(if applicable): nope
Canon or OC: OC
Age (if known): 16
Species: Wizard
Personality: Max is blunt and oblivious at times, and can be sneaky and mischievous, and loves to fight Bell in his free time. He is stubborn and intelligent, he also doesn’t like talking about his past.
Things to know: Like i said before, he doesn’t like talking about his past. He wears black all the time, no matter what, even if it’s a hot summer day, he’ll wear a black t-shirt and black skinny jeans. Oh, he never wears shorts. He’s also kinda rude when you first meet him, i guess that would be more on the personality but eh.
Powers/Weapons: Can shape-shift into any animal, though he is most likely to transform into a dog or wolf. Also he can change his weapons, like a dagger for a sword and stuff. He always carries his 25+ daggers and his twin swords.
Friends: Guy, you will more about him. he is another of my OC’s. Bell
Love interest: no one
Fetch Modus (if applicable): Don’t know homestuck.Name: Guy
Gender: Male
Fandom(if applicable): nope
Canon or OC: OC
Age (if known): 17
Species: wizard, though he can’t do all that much.
Personality: Kind-hearted, silly, can be serious at times. The complete opposite of Max pretty much. Loves to make people laugh.
Things to know: all you need to know about him is that he is great at washing dishes… Bell you would get this.
Powers/Weapons: can heal others, his trusty daggers. Oh and at times if he has nothing else to use he is just fine with a pencil.
Friends: Max and bell
Love interest: nope
Fetch Modus (if applicable): nope -
our characters in our world, I like that, sounds interesting
i like that, where can all battle each other or something along those lines
((I couldn’t help it duke, you practically made yourself make me to post. You tempted me into posting, and I did. It’s your fault for saying those things about projectiles and stuff coming my way. So here’s my post, hope ya like it~
Max snorts, hearing Bell’s voice. Looking up he noticed his targets were going into the tank. Thinking already what was about to happen, he started over to some trees on the right side of the road. Jumping up into one, he started to leap from tree to tree. His black long overcoat flapping in the wind from leaping. There was a sudden jolt going through the ground as the projectile landed into the ground where Max once stood. His foot slipping on one of the branches, he started to fall to the ground. Bracing himself, he crashed. Getting up, he shook himself out, and found he was right behind the tank. Grinning, he jogged over and opened the hatch. “Hello,” He whispered into the first guard’s ear before stabbing him in the back. Launching into attack-mode, he grinned gleefully. -
Max looked out the window, the night vision goggles helping. There was a tank in front of the vehicle that he sat in, with fifteen armed personnel. Softly opening the door he got out. Taking out three daggers, he creeped up slowly to get a better throwing range, while making sure he was not seen in the process. Getting in a throwing stance, he threw one dagger at a guard that was blocking the path.
The guard searched in front of him to see if he could find any of the enemies. He thought he heard a rustle of movement right in front of him. Holding up his rifle, he could make out a figure, all in black, standing some feet from him. Then he heard it, hiss thunk, he dropped his rifle as the sharp object hit him in the arm. He cursed underneath his breath, reaching over to pull the dagger out of his arm. The metallic smell of blood reached his nostrils. The blood soaking his right arm. Then he heard it again, hiss this time he was kinda ready for it. The dagger narrowly missing his face, a scratch was visible on his left cheek. He fell down on his butt, his helmet rocking to the side exposing one side of his forehead. Then he fell on his back, as one more dagger sank in his forehead.
Max watched the whole thing, more daggers then I wanted to use but that’s fine, he thought to himself, taking out three more daggers. -
Looking at Bell bored he said, “Get Casey, the intern, and then we’ll go and see Mousey.” The Max went back into his office and randomly sat on the floor by his bookshelf. looking at all his books he yawned. I’m getting bored Bell, get him or we’re not going to see Mousey.
His book lay on the table, dust had collected on it, but only a thin layer. He sat at his desk, but instead of reading the book he had picked up, he was looking out the window lost in his thoughts. He jolted awake when hearing Bell’s yelling and sighed. Getting up he walked over to the door and threw it open. “What do you want Bell?” He asked, annoyed. When she rose her eyebrow, he remembered what she had yelled. “Is he here at all?” Looking around he saw no sign of the intern, “Find him first then we’ll see Mousey.” Max answered Bell’s question.
Name: Max (or for Bell Maxie, he doesn’t approve of it, even though he lets it slide.)
Age: 16
Appearance: Messy black hair with pale skin and piercing electric blue eyes. He has a piercing in his right ear, and wears black all the time. A long black overcoat with a black t-shirt underneath it, and black skinny jeans make up his attire. He also has his black combat boots on and sometimes you can see him wearing a black or navy blue fedora. He has his twin swords on him at all times, but mainly uses the 25+ daggers that he carries.
Personality and skills: Max is blunt and oblivious at times, though is an amazing fighter at close and long range. He has extremely good accuracy with his daggers, never missing any one of the targets he throws them at. His speed is quite fast too, he can throw three daggers in a matter of seconds. Though that’s not all he can do. He can be sneaky and mischievous, and loves to fight Bell in his free time. He is stubborn and intelligent also, but you’ll find out more about him in the RP. If he thinks your worthy of fighting him with his swords, he’ll do so, but only if he deems your worthy of fighting him more seriously.
History: ….. “I don’t like talking about my past.”
(Oh I am soo not used to typing on the iPad. Took kinda long… Oh well I finished it)
Max stood in front of I’s office, opening the door he led I and himself into it. Also giving I the key to his room. “This is the key to your office, make sure you don’t lose it; because if you do, you wont get another one. It’s a miracle that I still have mine, so I think you’ll be just fine.” Max starts, “Theirs your own personal bookshelf, you can fill it with any books you have.” Max showed I the bookshelf.
Walking over to his desk, “That key can also lock any one of these drawers.” The desk looked like any other ordinary desk, except there was a very special lamp on the table. Turning the lamp on, you could read invisible ink messages. Of course I has to find that on his own, Max thought.
On the other side of the room, there was some free space. “You can add whatever you like there.” He tells I.
Walking back to the door, “Well, that’s about it. So, have fun in your office! And remember, don’t lose the key!” Max calls, walking out of the door, flipping a dagger. Going back to his office, he picked up a book on his shelf. “Interesting enough,” He muttered sitting down at his desk. He put his legs up on his desk and leaned back in the chair, starting to read. As I prepared for battle. My sword razor sharp, and my shield strapped on, a dark mist came across the land.