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Max looked at the time, he had been sitting at his desk for quite awhile, figuring something out. ’bout time I go now, he thought to himself. Grabbing his swords, and a extra dagger, he went out of his room. His injury healed awhile ago, and he felt up to the task of this new ‘activity’. Once he got to the edge of the woods he saw Bell standing there, explaining what he had to do. Retrieving her dog? No wait, her puppy, this’ll be fun. Grinning he walked into the woods.
“Thanks Rei,” Max says as his wrist was popped back into place. He stands up, “I think I’ll be fine just going to my dorm.” Waving his un-injured hand good-bye, he walks off. As he goes he hears someone say, ‘You win.’ Once back into dorm, he opens one of his bags. Opening it reveals a beautiful crafted sword. Light for speed, but still thick enough for some good damage to be done. He smirks as he sees the sword. He takes off the sheath for his other sword, seeing as he can’t even use it if Bell still has it.
He puts on his new sheath for the sword, and sits on his bed in one of the corners. The other corner had a desk, with a chair.
“Thanks a lot Bell” He growls under his breath, looking at the wrist Bell had dislocated. He grins as he thinks of something interesting. -
While she was looking up, he grabbed his sword with his free hand, slashing it across her arm that had his arm in the arm lock. Once let go He slashes her leg.
He snorts as he is led to the mats, taking out a dagger. He throws it at her, cutting a bit of her hair off. He smirks and stays where he is.
“Thing?” He spat, looking at Kissa. “I’m not a thing! But Now that I think about it. You can go first, I don’t really care.” Max points to her, “And by the way, I think your the thing here. Your part fox.” Looking at her fox ears and tail.
Without waiting for the girl, Kissa, to answer he says, “Wait a second!” He holds up a hand. “I was here first so I should be the winner.”
“I finished before you did, you know your fast.” He says as he watches her take out a sword. “Are you really gonna use that?” He says, pointing to the sword in her hand. “And to answer your first question. You can call me Max.”
Max looks behind himself to see a guy with a cat mask on, “Why do you wear a mask?” He asks him, raising an eyebrow. Waiting for an answer.
“Hey there,” Max grins as he sees a black kit fox. “When did you get here? I was here a long time ago by the way.” He crouches down a bit to see her a bit better, “You look familiar. Ah your the girl who jumped” Smirking, he starts to walk off to stand in front of the training room again.
The swaying of the branches felt nice to the man that sat on one of said branches. He sat there, his black hair covering his eyes. Listening to his own thoughts. He looked up when hearing the yelling, faint, but there. I don’t want to go, he thought to himself, but I guess I have too. He got up and jumped down, running over to where he heard the yelling. As he neared the group he looked up and said, “Hey everyone, I’m here now. I was just relaxing for a bit.” Grinning he walked over to everyone.
Name: Max
Age: 15 (almost 16)
Height: 5″9
Weight: 150 lbs
Appearance: He has pale skin and has a piercing in his right ear. He wears a long black overcoat and a black shirt underneath it. He wears black skinny jeans and black combat boots. At times you can sometimes find him wearing a black fedora. He wears his hair messy, never brushing it. He carries about 25 daggers. He also has his double swords.
Traits/info: He strays away from groups, he likes to be by himself. He is blunt and oblivious at times too. He doesn’t like talking about his past, but something happened. He is extremely good at throwing his daggers at his target, never missing anyone of them. He practices with his swords every day, making his agility and attack better than the last time. He’s good at looking bored at his enemies. He doesn’t like people who pity him, it makes him feel weak. When people talk to much he gets annoyed.
He would like to go into Group 1 troop 2 please.