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“you are dead” Ava pull the trigger and only fire came form the gun, she starts to laugh “it is only a lighter dummy” she smile thoughtful and pick a cigarette to light with the “gun”, she exhales the smoke “’twas a strange world we live in, for ’twas a world where one couldn’t expect a man to have fire for a fine damsel in distress” she let go of a half smile “name is Ava by the way nice to meet you” she looks at Guy “…and i believe we don’t have a bed to sleep anymore”
she smirks while in a twist of hands a small gun appears in her hand, of course a well trained eye would see the smoke pack disappear in the sleeve of her dress while a gun falls down to her hand, she aim at the boy and talk smoothly ”now boy how about stop all the kicking and screaming so we can talk like civilized people, you could try to start by saying who you’re”
Ava put quickly puts herself between the boy’s punch and Melody blocking it with both arms the impact puts her back next to Melody’s back as the cigarette from her mouth reaches the floor she puts her hand on her bra and pick up her cigarette pack “you have fire boy?” she says while looking the aggressor with a malicious smile
“As said before my name is Ava and this “careful” fella is my partner Melody, we are detectives and things, as you can ,see are not working in our favor now…” surprised that the guy didnt start running right away Ava put a hand in melody shoulders “also since he is holding a gun i would recommend you at least hear our proposition before trying to run for your life, we need a place to rest for the night and we could pay handsomely for your help so it’s not like we’re robbing you or anything like that Mr. Guy” Ava smile in a attempt to calm Guy
(so we are roleplaying as if protagonist and antagonist are factions?)
“woah woah, i think we are going a bit too fast, i mean we are all friends here am i right?” with a twist of hands a lighter came into her fingers them she calmly light her cigarette “well as for the investigation…it was hell…of a fun” looking at the boy “Ava is the name, a pleasure to meet…” with a small reverence waiting for the guy to tell his name and also with the same smile she opens the bag “…that is a load of money you’re carrying around miss” -
She came from a dark alley with her white fedora and a long brown coat, if one would take a closer look he would see smoke coming from the coat “beautiful day” she says while looking at skies “wont be needing that anymore” as she undress the coat to reveal the stunning black dress underneath, the coat disintegrates as soon as it reaches the floor “close call…” she mutter picking a cigarette box from her bra, she just finished putting the smoke in her mouth as she watch a couple getting close, “have fire?” she asks with a teasing smile
Name: Ava
Gender: Female
Age: (looks like) 21
Weight: 140
History: Unknow
Personality: Greedy but Easy going Ava is the kind of lass who gets Shit Done Fast
She have black skin black hair and Golden Eyes which are always looking for more, what they gaze she wants and what she wants she usually gets
Skills: Can drink and smoke without any side effects and is also good in prestigitation
Antagonist/Anti-Hero -
Rizna is at a high position with his bow pointed at Casey , Rizna’s green eyes are a mix of madness and concentration.
He is fully aware of his surroundings and is pondering in releasing the string he takes a moment to look at his prey Casey who is looking for answers in his eyes, at that moment a turmoil of emotions strike the Dark Elf’s (Rizna is a Dark elf) mind who releases the string, the arrow reaches the ground one foot away from Casey, purposely missing the target, Rizna jumps from his high ground position and approach Casey who is static “I belive mousey wish to speak with us” Rizna says then he put his arms around Casey’s shoulders and take him to the meeting(better now maxyy? ;D)
seens like someone just got…Duked
Rizna was initiated in the corporation a few weeks ago, he was a intern who quickly raise through the ranks.
He was taking a stroll in the dorms hall, guard duty, as he often would do when he was a intern. No one told him to do so this time, “old habits last long” he muttered to himself. He was starring low because he had confidence in his abilities, but he was not sure if he was accepted in the corp because of that or…and suddenly his thoughts were interrupted by the commotion ahead nothing unusual just Bell striking Max’s room door but something made his big green eyes look anguished…
“So…Marion has a new boy…” -
MemberMarch 5, 2014 at 10:16 pm in reply to: Rules and Tools for character creation as well as plot.Name: Rizna Moonknife
Age: 25
Appearance: Light dark skin, Green Eyes, Long blue hair, Long and pointed ears
Skills: Martial Artist / Master Archer
Weapon of Choice: two small swords, bow and arrow -
As the sailors stoped singin Ryvien put them to work at the navy base and make his room there, he came to his former room in the castle to pick up his things and put in the new room he see a letter on the table then he read it….”aye aye cap” he murmur to himselfa, sit down at a chair crossed his legs in waitin for his new assignment