Forum Replies Created
Name: Poseidon
Serial Number: PS-001
Looks: She likes using her helmet but take it off from time to time
Poseidon have total control over water molecules (Hydrogen and Oxygen) and can bend then over at her will in a 50 km ratio.
Poseidon can direct tectonic energy to create earthquakes, volcanoes and etc
Poseidon has a deep knowledge over architecture, civil engineering, marine biology, geology and evolution theories
Poseidon can understand and communicate with any life form
Poseidon can predict storms and earthquakes with a month of antecedence
Poseidon is immune from pressurization, oxidation or the effect of time
League: The Hounds
Goal: Help humanity regain their glory, Preserve any living being, Help humans create cities under the sea
The poseidon series was made to help humanity setting up on the deep seas, a terraforming robot poseidon can build a settlement in a matter of minutes and a city in hours, the ideia was making a robot that along with the Apollo series would pave the earth into a path of new age settlements first the deep seas then the stars and beyond
She was one of the many robots trying to help the humans when illness came, she organized the infrastructure construing great building that served as hospitals and managing the food suplies from the sea, as the chaos raised poseidon ruled with iron fists, that was the only way she found to make everyone have their fair share of supplies and also proved to be the most effective one, regardless of everything she did, however the coastal city she managed fell into the deadly illness.
For many months poseidon remade the calculations, the graphics, everything and she couldn’t find the answer for her failure, she thought maybe the problem was the fragility of man kind and started working into ways to enhance their genetic material, she found the cure for the illness by mixing human genome with shark’s genome, the result was a new humanoid conscious but extremely predatory race she called The Triton
She lacks however the knowledge of ethics and technology to understand if this is the right course of action, because of this she walks the land in search of Apollo, as she was programmed to do: “in case of doubts, search for the oracle of the “gods”
Other: she have the biologic knowledge but not the technology to clone/create a new race, a hybrid between humans and sharks
Rivyena entered wearing a red party dress, the reluctant pink haired lieutenant at her side however, was wearing tactical body armor.
It was not the first time Asuza decided protection was better than looking cute, Rivy was all easy smiles while Asuza had her usual killer’s grim, this was also very funny for Ryviena, “Why are you giggling so much, stupid?” the lieutenant asked with a whisper “ehehe, you’ll see” The Plague answered with a wink.The overall mood in the club was grim, many small gang leaders came but the overall mood was “what the hell this small gang leader think she is?”, after talking with some people she already know, some she didn’t know, and some who clearly didn’t want to know her she decided the best course of action was dance and drink until the night ended, the song playing at the time was: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvN-f1CNMTI
Some people simply shrugged and minded their own business at the club, taking shots, dancing or simply enjoying the clubs mood, while others frowned and complained, the club was a piece of art, blinking lights and images of angels and demons doing sensual poses at the walls and a big one trying to resemble the Sistine Chapel at the ceiling, she managed to dance a good half of the song before somebody raise a voice to complain, “You, a miserable small gang leader trying to rule over us?” the man shot Rivyena right in the eye “now i am taking this club and everything she owns…” she man stopped when he saw Rivyena still standing on the dance floor “Seriously? Oh well…if you are really that curious i shall tell you” The Plague blinked and it was like nothing hit her eye,she picked her purse and took a handful of coins from it “Asuza, interested in doing some shooting?”
The lieutenant muttered something and injected a fluorescent blue liquid on her veins, her eyes also turned into fluorescent blue before she prepared her MP7, Ryviena threw the hand full of coins, then another and another consecutively, she smirked as her audience eyes turned wide while every single coin fell in the floor with holes “anyone could do this using this amp” the man who shot her said trying to look unimpressed “oh yes, so why won’t take a dose? Asuza give him a shot” the lieutnant’s face twisted into a grim smile as she passed a syringe with the blue fluorescent substance to the man, suddenly he knew what would happen if he used it and tried to deny it “Are you deaf?” Ryviena said with a innocent smile as she picked her .45 pistol and pointed at the man’s head “I said why don’t you fucking try it?”, everyone knew what would happen next.
“We’re trained and armed to deal with almost any situation on the street, we also have a strong enough chain of production to supply most of your dealers needs, all i ask of you is a percentage of your gains to help maintain my men and keep the production of drugs, i promise no more infighting between the gangs everyone will have their place indisputable on the Plaza, IF someone don’t agree with me, they can end up like this poor sod over here” she said her little discourse while standing next to the man who took the fluorescent fluid shot, he was having a seizure on the floor
(i will wait for @draciosv to rp the reaction of the gangster in the club)
Baylet threw her hands to the sky in disbelief, she thought about climbing to the school’s roof just to see what was going on there but her urge to go hunting was stronger than any spark of curiosity she had. She walked to the forest with a confident half smile on her lips
After some minutes of hunt she already had enough meat and furs, all separated in small impoverished fur bags, to quench any need she may have for a while, seeing how much she had collected already she rushed to the river to treat a little the furs she was willing to sell at the city
MemberSeptember 11, 2014 at 11:28 pm in reply to: Welcome to the facility (Roleplay room)“i am in prototerra, exactly at the shogunate part of it, but…you may be referring to something a friend said not long ago” she made a small pause to re arrange her thoughts and sip on her tea then “if that is case then i must ask you, how is you reality that different from my own?”
Baylet hurried up trying to pick up with Jarrel’s pace “Mark my words one day these angels will descend from the skies and smite us all to the ground” she said giving a sharp look to the little girl at the roof of the school “Mark my words…”
“Oh well, it’s not like i am doing anything right now can i run with you a little? it would server as a good exercise before i do some hunting for the supper” Baylet said while stretching herself
Baylet leaved the school hall so she could stretch her legs a little outside, maybe find some game in the forest, she wasn’t sure what to do when she saw Jerrel doing laps around the school “hey Jerrel, doing laps again? having fun?”
Ryviena was sited down on a puff at the floor of the hideout, a comfy yellow room with some arcade machines, a flat screen 70 inches TV, a bar and a giant sofa on the middle, she had a plate with the remains of a giant cheeseburger on the floor next to her and a laptop computer on her lap, she was stretching her new pair of legs when a woman with pink hair and full Kevlar body armor appeared in front of her with a piece of paper “get your sorry ass off this puff Ryv, reports are here” Ryviena blinked and turned her attention to the woman “oh yes Asuza, come closer i have something to show you here…” the pink hair woman gave Ryv a sharp gaze “if it’s that exorcist .gif again i swear i gonna shoot you right between the eyes…again” Ryviena replied with a innocent smile “come on Asuza i would never do something like that to you” she said deleting a .gif archive and opening another “i want to show you the new concept art of the Runners, here have a look” she said turning the laptop to the woman
The woman blinked and her cheeks started turning red, Ryviena continued “i was getting tired of simply writing the “plague was here” everywhere feeling something was missing then i found this picture here so…” Asuza was massaging her temples “i can’t believe you still have this stuff there, damn i can’t believe you convinced me to do something like that on the first place…” Ryviena gave the woman a half smile “come on Pinky, we both needed to unwind a little, also don’t tell me you didn’t like the walks on the beach, the nights we passed looking at the stars, walking with arms tied…” Ryviena felt like her head was kicked by a horse, as the woman ably picked a magnum and in a blink of an eye and shot her right between the eyes “don’t call me Pinky” she said with rosy cheeks “okay, okay, sorry, sorry” Ryv said with a apologetic smile while returning to her puff like a cat, there was not even a bullet mark on her face “what i mean is, outside the jokes, you’re one of my best lieutenants, damn you’re fighting along side me since this whole thing begin and…” Asuza sighed “that is not the problem that…the thing is we almost lose you back there…can’t you act a little bit less suicidal?” she said shyly and as she forced herself to look back at Ryviena, she could see the girl getting ready to leap forward in her direction like a cheetah, she aimed her gun at Ryv’s head again “Really? i am seriously not in the mood for your bullshit right now Ryv…” the girl raised her hands in a surrendering manner “lets talk business then” she said with a smile“Finally” Asuza said picking the piece of paper “From the raid to the hideouts and guns we managed to amass something around 1 million dolars…” Ryviena gave the sandwich a big bite “give it to the Runners they deserve it for the fight well done” Asuza sighed “we lost 29 Runners no causalities within the lieutenants ranks” Ryviena stopped eating “send their corpses to their families and if they need anything they only need to ask me, and if they didn’t have any family we will drink in their honor until we pass out, anything else?”
“Ugh i can’t believe you’re still that childish, the rest is a simple report about the cost of cleaning up the Plaza, those were already deducted from the money we acquired from the raids…” Ryviena smirked “Well news flash Pinky i am still in the age of being childish” *BANG!* “what i told you about calling me Pinky brah?” Ryviena blinked twice while staring at the room’s ceiling from her defeated position at the floor “Uhh…talk about a mature woman…” she said and putted herself back up in a blink of an eye “Hey, Asuza, put the word at the street that i am proclaiming myself as the predominant force here in the Plaza, everyone willing to talk business is welcome to come and see me at the Infernal Nights (the best nightclub in The Plaza’s turf) and of course i want my best man securing the perimeter, you however need to be there with me, you’ll be the face of the yellow runners now after all, so pick a cute nice dress and meet me up there in an hour okay?” Asuza laughed “about time we claimed our supremacy over this turf! going side by side there with you however…” Ryviena made a very convincing pleading face, tears at the corner of her eyes and all “Pleaaaaseee Asuza? for meee?” she said and Asuza growled “Fine! but no dresses!” Ryviena cheered and was about to leap on the woman again, the woman patted her magnum and that made The Plague retreat “Alright lieutenant! Dismissed!” and Asuza leaved mumbling “About time…”
After Asuza leaved Ryv picked a small invitation letter from her pocket, a rat appeared and looked at her in a questioningly manner “Can you please give this to Martin?” if he was anywhere in a area of 100 km² he would receive the following letter:
“Sorry for pestering you again, Boss, but money if what you wish then you would do well in siding with me”
on the next few lines she reminded him that he ordered her to keep things quiet and she was going to do so, instead of starting a turf war she was going to saturate the drug market of The Plaza instead, she explained how why her unique stuff was better, she also explain that she could easily sell other drugs as well with discounts and how she would deny the competition any chance of making profit by doing so
“here is also a little something for the troubles i gave you”
following was a account number and a password, if Martin checked it out he would have full control over a 50 million dollars account“I am also calling a meeting on the Inferno Nights today, i hope you can attend so we can talk business”
“signed The Plague”
MemberSeptember 6, 2014 at 9:22 am in reply to: NPCs and factions (Now including Player factions)The Covenant of The Plague
Alias:The Covenant, The Plague’s Gang. Yellow Runners
Known leaders: Ryviena and her Lieutenants
General overview
The Plague manage two groups The Covenant of The Plague is the ones that share her blood on their veins, their secret base lies bellow the archlight district sewers, the base is mess of labs, hospitals, armories, drug factories, bars, warehouses, training facilities, residential rooms, garages and breeding/training facilities for rats and ravens alike, all connected between themselves by a maze of corridors and to the world above it by secret doors leading to some property the Covenant owns, all military members of the covenant have special forces training, their basic equipment is the Kevlar Body Armor and the MP7A1, they have however a collection of other weapons, missile launchers and bombs/grenades for more specific missions. Even though The Plague have total control of everything the Covenant owns (under the table) she doesn’t measure efforts into making everyone feel comfortable and happyThe Yellow Runners are the ones that don’t share blood, they don’t know about the Covenant but their leaders (the lieutenants) are all members of the Covenant, they act like small gangs (groups of 8 to 12) each group is assigned to a lieutenants who acts like a gang leader training the thugs and managing their operations, they are the main distributors of The Plague’s drug the NK (Night Kiss), their basic equipment is a MP5 or a FN P90 along with a Kevlar vest but a lieutenant is allowed to arm them with stronger stuff from the HQ Armory for specific missions
Her labs and factories produce the Night Kiss a mixture of LSD, Heroin and some synthesized substances from Ryviena’s saliva, the drug retains the effects of Heroin along with the hallucinogenic effects of the LSD while the substances from The Plagues saliva counter most of the negative effects from both substances and allow the user to have some kind of lucid dream experience over the hallucinogenic trip, there is no way to have a bad trip while using the Night Kiss, the substance is highly addictive but the users are immune from hard abstinence effects, only the Covenant produces the drug since they are the only ones with the necessary understanding of The Plague’s physiology to do so, the NK may not be the craziest stuff on the market but is one of the most (if not the most) sold on the archlight district, a way to know if you are using the real NK is the mark of the syringe healing itself right after the injection. The labs also produces ointments that increase even more the healing abilities of the Covenant members and substances that increases fighting abilities (reflexes, concentration, steady aim) of the soldiers unfortunately those can only be used on The Plague or other members of the Covenant, the hospitals have healing tubs that can heal any wound (broken bones, lost limbs, lost organs) from members of the Covenant only over time (usually 1 day or less)
As a singer she can literally destroy and rearrange her vocal chords at will, this along with the inspiration she gets from being a gang leader makes her a very successful artist (her name is usually at the top 50 singers of the world) , she owns a publishing company and a couple recording studios on the Artemis District and a Mansion on the Haven District (only to maintain the appearances) , she is constantly searching for talents at the Covenant’s clubs and on the streets of the Archlight District
Overall The Plague is VERY rich, she already controls a considerable portion of The Plaza’s Turf and acts mainly there, her main base and most of the clubs she owns under the table are also there, the only problem is that she is currently producing more stuff than she can sell (she already has enough NK to monopolize The Plaza’s market) and the constant gang wars and tensions between the major gangs on The Plaza is blocking her path into expanding to the other parts of the city, she intends to control The Plaza before taking any steps forward
The lieutenant nodded as she usually did, in a scared manner,
The Plague stayed down for a while puking blood, by the time she raised her head she already had a new pair of legs and her bones back in place, she never felt so close to dead before, letting herself relax for a moment she took a deep breath “damn crazy trip…guys pay up anyone willing to do the cleaning, bury and burn the bodies but keep their guns we may have use for those, may even be the only thing we gain from this whole mess, along with some stability on the turf” she said with a sigh “gonna go back to the hideout, give me a call or something if you guys get any problem, tomorrow we think about what our next move is going to be” the young woman said, heading back to her gang hideout on the sewers
Rivyena looked at the man with mixture of anguish and awe, the blood from her legs corroding the floor around it, the wound healed quickly and the super acid blood stopped to pour, she was afraid however to make a new pair of legs Do what the man says, no sudden movements, she kept her hands down on the floor
“Every gang disputing this Turf tried to defeat me this night and lost, i remained King of the Hill for 2 hours straight until they decided to stop sending their grunts after me, i earned the right for this Turf, i earned the right to administrate the Plaza, i earned the right to end this constant gang war bullshit, i earned the right to fight anyone who still thinks they can do a better job than me…and now who is in front of me? the Boss himself, heard the histories but never thought someone of your tier would be interested in a hell hole like the Plaza…if anything you need me Boss, you need someone to keep the guys here in place, someone who can kick some butts and take their names, and for that i am one of the best, give me a chance and i will not let you down”
“Oh well, then it was probably nothing, i thinking you’re overreacting Kit” Baylet said eating the chunk of meat with a single bite
As she walked down the street a cloud of ravens up in the sky started moving, soon after some of her lieutenants started appearing and joining up with her on the walk
“So Rivy, the battlefield will be the Plaza as always?” a girl with dreads asked “Yup, pass the word around, i want all the guys there by the time i arrive” Rivyena replied “Yes ma’am” the girl nodded and walked away
The Plaza is the biggest open air market for drugs in the arclight district and as such is surrounded by many gangs, The Plague’s is leader of one of these gangs that surrounds the Plaza
By the time she arrives the turf war was already going on the Plaza, the raven’s surveying the area quickly gave her the information of what was going on the battlefield, she rushed for the area where her forces were being overwhelmed along with her vanguard of lieutenants
The plague arrived running on all fours leaping forward over a man of the enemy gang, quickly picking up her daggers and turning the man into a zombie, his comrades instantly focused their shots at her, the impact of the pistols and SMGs was enough to pin her down for a few seconds, the small holes made by those arms were quickly to close and as she turned her gaze to the ones shooting her lieutenants started backing her up with their MP5s, since she was not moving the enemy thugs wrongly assumed she was dead and rushed to find cover, a glimpse of madness appeared in Rivyena’s eyes, 15 seconds later Rivyena had turned all 10 thugs into zombies with her daggers.
A couple of hours later everyone who dared to spar with Rivyena on the Plaza was either killed or turned into a zombie, there was no time to lose, if Rivyena was to clean up the competition on the Plaza it had to be now, she was going to bring the war to the streets and subdue anyone that still didn’t agree to work under her rule backed up with nothing less than a army of 90 zombies
“…the war for the control of the Plaza” Rivyena smirked to one of her lieutenants, while writing something over another gang’s graffiti “Y-yes, Rivy, i mean ma’am” the lieutenant, the girl with dreads, was visibly shocked, after so much dead in so little time everyone was shocked, Rivyena wasn’t “Come on Liv, it will be fun, we already came this far, we can’t go back now” Rivyena said and the girl nodded a agreement “Now that is what i like to see, Come on fellas time to move, this is going to be a busy night!” Rivyena said starting her march, leaving the Plaza, now a open-air graveyard behind her and a warning “The Plague was here SZ” over another gang’s graffiti on a close by wall
“well…i don’t know what my father did or did not, but i am pretty sure i lack the power to devour the universe, i am still too young for that” she said taking a bite on the cookie in her hand
“also i don’t understand, i always told everyone i was Leviathan but none of you cared, then suddenly you’re all acting strange…what happened while i passed out on the gym?”
“That?” she said with questioningly gaze “that what?”