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Baylet rolled to dodge Kit’s ball picked a ball, got up in a blink of an eye and threw it at WRAIT, “back at the battle field we stand” she leaped to the side and picked another ball “and on the battle field it ends, magic girl, cover me”
“i really hope so” she said looking at Takra “are we going to begin this soon?” she said looking at the ball
Name: Rivyena
Alias(es): The Plague
Identity: Public
Gender: Female
Age: 24
without the hatAbilities:
She doesn’t feel pain, Inhuman healing (her wounds regenerate really quick), her blood and muscles are super acid, most components that manages to pass through her flesh usually gets absorbed before reaching her muscles,immunity from all kind of diseases, viruses and poisons
mild resistance against nuclear energy (doesn’t kill her but high dosages can knock her out)
she moves like a cheetah “The cheetah can run faster than any other land animal— as fast as 112 to 120 km/h (70 to 75 mph) in short bursts covering distances up to 500 m (1,600 ft)has the ability to accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) on in three seconds” she can run at that speed at all four (yes she can run like a quadruped) at two feet she run by half of that speed
High flexibility, Ambidexterity, Enhanced Agility
she uses double obsidian daggers on her hands those weapons are indestructible and a cut can turn normal humans or weak meta humans into zombies, control zombies to a degree (she can’t control all the zombies all the time, but she can direct close by zombies to attack a certain target or do a certain task)
she can control however any rat or raven in a range of 100km² and use them to pass up the infection, she can also see through their eyes if she wants to
there are people immune to her zombification powers, (people with enhanced immune systems and strong meta humans) most however aren’t
zombies retain their normal speed, strength and the instinct to feed on any living things, a zombie can die as any human being, they are however immune to pain, and pass the disease by bite (like left 4 dead)
she can kill any or all the zombies with her will, and can cure them by touch
she can also explode a close by zombie turning him into a 5m² human biochemical grenade of pestilence turning them into zombies
she can control the pH of her body making her blood and muscles not warm other people, her kiss can cure any disease, virus or poison
people who swear fealty to her and drink her blood get double their strength, agility and speed. They also get immunity against poison, virus , diseases, immunity to pain and somewhat enhanced healing at the cost of having some of The Plague’s super acid blood running through their veins allowing her to kill any of them if she wishes to
the time for a healthy person turn into a zombie is 10 to 30 minutes it’s only instant for people slashed by The Plague obsidian blades
uses two Glock G30S .45 pistols with laser sights for ranged encounters, she is a reliable markswoman and can shoot with almost any weapon
Occupation: Pop singer, Rapper and Gangstar
9. History:
Ryviena was part of a kind of experiment with meta humans, the object of said experiment achieving a cure for all diseases, they brought Ryviena, a baby from the black marked and started lambasting her body with immunity supplements and diseases until she reached 11, the age when Ryviena started showing sighs of supernatural powersUnable to handle Ryviena’s power (even the girl didn’t know how to handle then) the lab got overrun by zombies, all the information regarding Ryviena and their research lost withing it. since then Ryviena is living on the streets
Ryviena learned the worse and the best of human nature by living on the streets, to some she is a godness of goodwill and mercy, to others she is a plague that must be purged from the world, she however doesn’t care to that, preferring to working on her singing skills and gang management
10. Personality: “i do what i want, because i can!”
11. Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Character’s theme(s): FEMM – Fxxk Boyz Get Money (Music Video)
Baylet pick the ball with one hand, she looks at it and frowns “sounds kind of boring, i can dodge or catch it easily, we should at least more than one ball or it will not be…fun”
Baylet was surprised when the girl told she wasn’t a angel, she was going to run and hide either way if not for Godal laughing at her, that made her blood boil, she shook her head to scare her fear away crossed her arms and clenched her teeth “I-i don’t know how to play this thing, so i will probably not be much of a help in a team, how do we play it?”
“Yeah dodge ball, of course, why not?” Baylet shrugged “Also just give me something heavy enough and i can do the job of knocking you out WRAITH, free of charge” the girl giggled but her eyes turned wide when she acknowledge the presence of a kid with black wings “A-an angel?!” baylet took some steps backwards her whole body shivering in fear
By Alexia’s orders the soldiers scouted the men to the castle, there are the top of the castle was Alexia wearing a kimono jacket, white shirt and cloth shorts.
(something like this)
but still carrying her sword on her belt.She had her legs crossed in front of a small desk, on top of the desk was nothing more than a teapot, a couple of other ceramic pots and a couple of ceramic cups
“My name is Alexia and i am the lord protector of this village, by your posture i can tell you’re a warrior and has such i will not ask you to hand over your weapons, you must be the one who started that skirmish nearby what really interest me however is knowing who you’re and why did you came to my village” the woman said making a courtesy with her hands which invited the man to sit down on the opposite side of the table “perhaps we can talk over some tea?”
“yeah i don’t know…i think it was just a bad taste prank, she should be on the gym right now, there is where most students are at least, we gonna play doge ball, human thing, never did it before, are you coming?”
“MAN WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON THE FLOOR?!” she said looking at kit “and nay, i pretty sure you and WRAITH are crazier” she said, looking, at the girl in the floor
she willingly follows Jerrel “hey guys come with us to the gym, let’s at least try to have some fun before Godal breakdown again” she said to the boy and his little sister but she doesn’t stop following Jerrel to the gym
Baylet stood there for a moment with a shocked expression on her face when Jarrel asked if she was alright Baylet finally moved her mouth in disbelief “What the diving fu..” she restrained herself on the last moment “Yeah, Dodge ball, Of course! We’ll be right there!” she waited for Godal to pick a little distance and whispered to Jerrel “hey man, i think Godal finally flipped out for good, either way i am going to this dodge ball thing, are you coming too?”
Hearing so much people trying to back her up gave Baylet some strength, maybe not the right kind, but strength nonetheless “You know what Godal” she said letting her bag fall on the floor “I am not going out, since me father died i am struggling to survive, now that i finally found people i can rely on i will not let it go so easily. That would be foolish of me right?” she said with a energetic smile
“Now if anyone should leave i think that would be you, since i got here all you did was give stupid assignments and treat us like second class, not once you tried to actually teach us something…damn, even i could teach them how to deal with their powers better than you” she said with a defiant smile “if you really want to put me out of this building face me now otherwise accept my words as truth or just turn your back at me as you always do, i couldn’t care less” she said touching the (now fixed) pistols attached at the back of her belt
“And leviathan returns to devour the world…” she said with a sad smile “it’s not a quest, it’s a prophecy, my destiny…this is not a thing i can change, this is who i am, Leviathan, princess of the oceans” she said trying to hide her sadness with a smile “thanks for trying to vouch for me but that is really no use, Godal refuses to acknowledge anything i do, i passed the notebook he assigned me to, i polished his sword, even writted that stupid essay he asked me to…nothing i do matters to him” she said bowing her head to the boy and the little girl “now i will try finding my friends and…be on my way” she picks the a improvised leather bag on the room shelf and go wandering the school in search for her friends
“so i am dump because i outsmarted you again Godal?” *tsc* *tsc* she said shaking her head with a presumptuous smile “you can’t just impose yourself on people like that Godal but whateves i don’t like staying somewhere i am not wanted” she said straightening her hat “i will just say goodbye to my friends and be off your way is that alright with ya?”
Back at the castle Alexia is at the main room (the room of the lord at the top floor of the castle) training her mind with the art of tea, she puts the tea from the ceramic teapot on her small cup, before she starts sipping she remembers something Coeus said I am always here
With a elegant movement Alexia fills another small cup and puts it at the opposite side of the table, she managed to drink half the cup before hearing the sound of thunders falling from the skies, her scouts come rushing in minutes later to report a small skirmish going on close by
“Just reinforce the security of the castle and the village, the troops must not be involved in a matter like that and neither do i, if anyone new gets close to the village gate however, reports to me at once, don’t let any outsider enter the village gates without my approval…dismissed” she said and returned her attention to the tea
Baylet waits a long time for the boy to answer and start getting restless “Man i so sorry it’s all my fault!” she said sobbing “I-I will fix everything, i will make up for you…” Baylet said cutting her healed hand and letting the blood drops fall into the boy’s mouth “Here, you should be all fixed up in no time too” she also puts her other hand in front of the boy’s eyes and he fell asleep when the blood made effect, she drags the sleeping boy to the bed and puts him at Kit’s side
Baylet pick her book about Magical Artifacts and started reading again, raising her eyes from time to look at her friends condition they should have waked up by now…