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“I am, loyal to-…only the lord of…my land,” It said stubornly.
*Erabus was slowing with his thrashing, Before it stopped and started stareing into the soldiers souls. Trying to look terrifying with its flaming black eyes and skeletal paw, It wanted to kill all of them so it could go home and continue at its post*
(Dang it! DX)
*Erabus thrashed around still*
*Erabus’s nose flared as flames pushed out from its lips, Flames started to come of its eyes as it thrashed around wildly*
*Erabus bit the nearest flesh mound that had flopped ontop of it, Erabus set it on fire and tried to chew its way out*
*Erabus herd, “Cant leave” It snorted before turning to her*”I..ll…Kill..alls..yo-” It sprinted forward and tackled her, It was gonna kill her now.
“I…Dunno,” It turned and started to walk off confused, It started in the direction it thought was home.
*Erabus reared off her taking a chunk of flesh with it, It spit it out and side stepped away to recovered*
*Erabus bit her as flames shot out of the crackles between its teeth*
*Erabus quickly stood on top of her, it grabbed her sword by its mouth and threw it to the side then looked at her strait in the eyes*”Where- a..m I…”
“Then its unique to you, you dont have to try and use other poeples magics. just go with what you got.”
*Erabus took the hit it made a thin scratch like the one on its side, It barked before lundging forward teeth beared*
*Erabus was starting to bounce toward the Woman when it got to her it felt sick so threw up molten fire belly juices on her feet when she was saying the incantation thing, then started to bounce away*
*Erabus was getting anoyed with the shaking, It was bounching around growling low*(you know how in tom and Jerry when Tom gets hit by a freying pan and shudders, thats What Erabus is doing but moving around a little)
*Erabus Snarled at the comment, It tried to stay on its feet when the wave hit. It didnt want to expose its belly*