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*It threw the sword away and looked back at the woman when it saw a new sword it growled anoyed. Flames puffed from its mouth as it got angryier*
*It grunted and faultered for a moment ar the punch, Erabus was so focused on getting the sword it didnt see the punch coming. It jerk its head back to try and get it away from the women with the loosened grip he had*
*Erabus bit her blade instead, It realed back and bit hard on it flames came out of its sides of its mouth as it tugged*
*once Erabus got close to the woman it turned on its from paw and angled its self a bit so it was coming in on a angle before jumping forward to bit her*
*Erabus bounced away from the red haired woman and snarled before charging at her*
*Erabus landed and shook its head bitting at the air to try and get one of the phoenix’s legs*
*Dendrite nodded*”..I am Dendrite, this is Roro and..I’m here because I need work, I should probably go some where else though since no one really wants my services.. What of you?” (I’m tryin to talk oldy XD)
(It’s not none intelligent it just doesn’t talk a lot XD also never been outside of home :3 But yes its not that that intelligent XD Its dog smart :3)
*The slash made a thin scratch on its side that was on the verge of bleeding, It jumped up toward the Phoenix to bit it* (I can kill NPC’s right? Also I thought it’d be cool if their was character development so that It Erabus starts to become a little less violent and maybe have a different master then the ruler of…forgot the name XD but until then it’s gonna be the antagonist)
*Erabus cough a flame*”I’m….Not…Home..Yous..Gonna Attack!?!” It grunted, It went lundged forward its mouth blazing.
*Dendrite looked over to he Dunmer that had followed her*”Wa- I.. I’m not in the situation to go and fight Nords,” She scratched the back of her head a little embaressed, she didn’t want to come off as weak.
*She went to pull her hood up but decided it wasnt of any use now since almost all the Nords had recognized her pressence. One approached her and said,”you shouldn’t be here Cat,” He put emphasis on cat.”I shall go then…” She said quietly, she snapped her fingers for Roro’s attention. She stood and took a step before the nord stopped her. She glanced at his hand on her forarm,”I’m leaving,” She said firmly.
*When it landed it stood and shook its self, their was a curtain of dirt and dust though that covered the area where it landed, Erabus trotted away from the cloud. It’s tongue lolling out of its drooling mouth, It looked over at the weapons and then at its surroundings alarmed. It took a big sniff of the air, then shook its head violently this wasn’t its territory and where was the spirit? It looked around then looked back at the weapons and growled, Erabus thought,’They will attack home, I must kill them.’ It snarled as molten flame saliva dripped from its toothy mouth as it moved forward.
*Erabus was reaching land fast, it howled in triumph as it plummeted not afraid of the earth coming closer and closer*
*A nord glared at Dendrite noticing her presence, she felt the glare and a few others. Her ear flicked nervously before she slouched a little trying to make herself become less noticeable. Her tail tucked close to her and she put her hand on her lap next to her sword hilt, the other finished off her mead bottle and set it down quietly. Roro was half awake with his belly full of meat*
*Dendrite was chewing on a leek now for some reason, she just wanted to chew on something. a old half full bottle of mead was in front of her, She was saving money alright. She would live of the things she caught or got from helping people out with daily labor and the accessional bandit clean out.