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*Dendrite’s breath came in huffs as she struck the tree stump, once she was very tiered she collected her wood and headed to the tavern. She entered the tavern quietly before going over to the bar keep and tried to sell the wood to him/her (i forgot the bar keeps gender in wind helm XD) She sold most of it but he wouldn’t take all of her wood. When that was done she sat at the nearest table to the fire, she recooked some venison before tearing off a piece and giving it to Roro. She sat at the table and took out some smoked salmon and started eating that.
*Dendrite sighed, she had not found any work today, She made here way to the local wood choping station. Roro panted and whine, Dendrite stopped and rummaged through her pack before producing a meat chunk. She held it out to Roro which he ate happily, When her hand was empty she smoothed the hair on Roro’s head. It was cold slightly, she decided after thirty minutes of chopping she’d turn into the tavern so Roro wouldnt get a cold or freaze over*
*Erabus had been hit so hard form a wandering wind spirit coming towards the territory that it was sailing over countrys. It was quite boring, it just wanted to land allready so it could kick the spirit back to hell*(this is how Im gonna interact with you guys XD it’ll land near you guys and then do bad guy things :3 )
(lol XD)
*Dendrite walked through wind helm with her hood up and her hands jammed in her pockets, she scoped the area trying to find work. If she couldn’t then she’d resort to wood chopping, Roro padded right behind her*
Name: Ja’Renle; Houou
Race: Khajiit
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Height: 5’4
Sexuality: Strait
Appearance: Athletic build, black fur, grey swirly stripes along back and sides of face, light purple eyes, long ears, black hair a bang semi covering one eye and pulled over to that side of bang hair length of bang and cut ruggedly, Thieves guild armor with regular trousers, (Those tight leather pants won’t do XD) and a cotton cloak.
Bio: Moved to Skyrim for a better life with her mom at age 8, Met Orion when she was getting attacked by wolves at age 10 while trying to hunt. She left her mom in search for more money and food at age 16 and joined the thieves guild briefly before disagreeing with their ways and contacts and only staying around for the sneak training and marksmen training. She left right when things were getting weird around the guild, after leaving she roamed skyrim for game to sell and save up so she could move her mom back to elsewheyre so her old bones could sit back in the cool jungle and sands and not in the snow and ridged rocks. She is still trying to gain enough money to pay for the trip for her, she sends money to her mom every month so she doesn’t have to work a lot besides work her job for finding herbs and selling them to the herbal woman in whiterun. (theirs a herb place in whiterun right? XD)
Fighting style/ class: Houou uses her Dwarves bow which she had gotten on her trip to Markarth to sell goods that were not skins and meat, orcish arrows, orcish dagger that she uses for close combat and other knife things.
Extra?: Red wolf companion named Orion, him and Houou are the bestest of pals.
(Yay! more detail then Houou’s last char sheet XD and she grew her hair out XD)
Name: Erebus
Age: around 205
Occupation: Soldier
Nation: Beast arcane
Race: HellHound
Powers / Weaknesses: teeth, claws, muscle, a little fire, general durability. under the belly and water.(attacks won’t do a lot of damage really unless its a running start or fire is involved)
Background: was born from the depths of hell, like all the other beasts. It doesn’t have a gender as its only concern is to protect and server its ruler. It has been trained strait from birth to kill anything not of the land on sight and to sacrifice anything to do so. It has been trained to talk though.
Appearance: Rusty red coat, huge big muscular hound dog look, black eyes, left paw skeletal, scares every where on lower paws, a very handsome or beautiful hellhound compared to its siblings. It could barley pass for a regular hound from a distance if it weren’t for its eyes and paw.
*Jayden notices the lady from earlier in the day but soaking whet for some reason*
“Everyone has a little magic in them,” He said quietly. (#1 chessyest line of this RP but true XD)
“You should feel a mental tug sensation, or crawling under your skin,” Aaron said softly.
*Jayden bought a sandwhich and chips and started eating it out side the shop*
“Its like…well… Take a flower for example,” he summoned a tiny pink flower.”Did you see how it growed?” I basically binded fibers together fron the grass and then pulled a seed from the area, fused those and made it sprout…Thats addvanced though I guess so lets focuse on moving grass,” His tail swayed,”Alright in order to move the grass first you need to be focused and then image it moving as well as its functions and cells, Now I have found that It requires an emence amount of focus. But the better you get at it the less focus you require, which leads to multi tasking and more advanced things,” He said in the most complicated way possible but it all made scense to him. He noticed snow flacks falling, he pulled some grass close to him.
*Jayden left the school and made her way to a sandwich place*
*Jayden’s stomach aced, she was hungry, She groaned and put the book down. She didn’t know were to eat exactly and didn’t know if the cafeteria’s were open 24-7. So Jayden got her back and exited her dorm to leave the school really quick to got get food*
*Jayden sat in her dorm room reading a book*
*Jayden had to go to the bathroom so got excused and head their through the halls*