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“yay”, she said smiling behind her shield as she blocked the blow with her shield, she pushed off at it and waited.
“Dis”, She said right before puting all her weight behind her shield and hurling her self at him.
*Caught off guard Liv releases her grip on the sword*
(i thought we were fighting with wood swords X3)*Liv swiped at Eyiolfr again*
*Liv charged again and slammed the shield against Eyiolfr’s shield, she then attempted to chop at his arm*
*Liv face palmed with her sword*”ow”, she said rubbing her forehead with the back of her hand.”um… again”, she said not wanting to admit defeat, there was fire in her eyes now.
*the swipe landing on the backs of her knees Liv falls forward and unsuccessfully roles, she ended up rolling on her side, and took 10 seconds to get up*
*Liv, lunged and swung at his left arm*
*Liv takes a big step back and unsteadily walk back a few paces, she puts her shield down for a moment but props it back up again, this time when she charged leaded with her sword out to try and poke Eyiolfr.
*Knowing Eyiolfr can basically hand what she throws at him, she charged and tried to whake him behind her shield once she got to him.
*Liv followed Eyiolfr out side and distanced her self form him, she took up the wood sword and swung it a couple times.
“yes that would be best”, she said looking at the animal wood carvings and little wood boats she made in her past time.
“Alright!, were do we start?”, she said swinging her arm to make it get used to shields weight and to stretch.
“Yes!, wait a moment I have my own shield”, Liv said setting down her belt on the work table and going over to the far wall, she unhooked a White back ground shield with blue stars on it, she slid it on her arm and turned to her cousin.”Are we useing wood weopans or real ones?”.
“Only the best fer my Cousin!”, she said adjusting her Tool belt that she currently had on.