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*Nova pricks her ears and listens to Fallen* (No we saves Fallen from the weird people that are really really weird o.o)
“Fallen, you can tell us if you want”, she said comfortingly, and laid down of to the side of the semi circle around Fallen.
*Releasing her grip on the man after Dakota killed him Nova sprinted to Fallen’s cage*” ARE YOU OK!”, she said looking at the cage and how weird it was.
*after a minute Nova ran out of the door and Morphed into a Wolf and leapt at the at the man clamping her jaws around his gun arm*
*Nova notices Dakota for the first time, a smile came across her face,”these guys are screwed”, she thought and Morphed into a rhino smashing the back door of the car in. When Nova saw the man with a gun pointed at her she yelped and Morphed into a mouse scuttling under the mangled door for protection*
*focused on the hunt for the car Nova didn’t notice Dakota on the side walk as she entered the small parking lot, she sniffed around the parking spot were the car had been and mad a short loud bawl then ran after the car. “no one messes with my friends”, Nova thought as her paws pounded the pavement after the scent of the car.
*Nova woke up gaping, her cheeks were whet, apparently when she cryed in her dream/vition thingy, she looked around to find her self in her room again, she shrugged and pushed the dreams snearyo to the far corners of her subconcience*”DANG IT!, i missed like half a day of training!”, she sad and then got out of bed to find fallen.”Hay Fallen wanna spar?”,she said looking around the house, but unsuccessfully finding her, she eventually tracked her way out of the house and on the side walk, Nova sniffed and smelled the pungent fumes of burnt rubber. then it dawned on her Fallen could very likely been kid napped, Nova’s eyes widen and she looked around seeing now one around she Morphed into a Red Bone hound and sniffed the air, there was Fallens sent and a bunch of other sents, Nova Growled at this, and realized that the tire smell was fading in a panic Nova didn’t call to her friends inside the house and Bawled, then thundered after the car that supposedly kid napped Fallen*
* IN NOVA’S THOUGHTS: “I wonder if i am strong enofe to kill Ermin, let alone face him…”, she thought, she was walking in the forest, the birds were chirping and the animals rustled the bushes and fallen leaves, the sun shone through the semi thick canopy of pines, all of a sudden she was in an arctic tundra, and saw her self much much younger than where she was now about 5. 5 year old Nova slide on the ice in an ice seal form, then a seal, then a walrus, making her seal teachers laugh, as she unsteadily swirled around the ice. 5 year old Nova: “I will get it don’t you worry”, she said making a cute determined face as she tried to get traction on the ice, and eventually doing the opposite and eventually skidding on weak ice and she fell through, 5 year old Nova: “AHH!, HELP!”, she blurted as she went under, but was fine, she surfaced and crawled out using her tusks. After a long wile of falling and slipping around 5 year old Nova got back to her teachers from the ice, they patted her on the back and they moved on. after that event all of a sudden Nova was back in a Forest again, it was a pine forest with 6 inch thick snow, here she was about 7 years old and she was getting thought by her Wolf teachers, In the pack Nova tracked behind in the thick snow, they were migrating to there warmer territory were there was more prey, Nova noticed one of her wolf friends sadness and happiness dawned on her at once as she stared at the friendly face, staring back at 7 year old Nova, Nova:”Pinesnow”, Pinesnow: “Come on slow poke, you won’t get to eat the sourer berrys first if your a mile away”, Pinesnow said leaping around 7 year old Nova. 7 year old Nova: “Right just got a little tiered thats all”, she said smiling and leapt with Pinesnow back to the pack. Nova began to cry at the thought of Pinesnow. Pinesnow was one of her friends that died. Nova looked down at the snow, crying she looked up at the sky, “WHY ARE YOU SHOWING ME THIS!”, she yelled knowing it was that stupid dragon. The Dragon swooped down from the sky and landed with a earth trembling thud. Nova fell back at this and stared at him siting up, tiers rolling off her cheek and pattered on the thick snow, “Why, you know i don’t like the past!”, she yelled up at him. “You flat nosed jerk!”, she said her shoulders shaking at the memories flooding into her. Jerky dragon: “Nova you know the past holds lessons”, he said in a raspy voice, standing over her. Nova stood and jerked her arm at him.”I KNOW, you don’t have to show them to me, you know i have lost so many friends”, she said lowering her arm and curling it into a first. jerky dragon: “why do you have to be angry at me”, he said getting frustrated. “Because i am not what you wanted me to be so you shunned me for it you jerk”, she said striking the massive dragons for arm unsuccessful harming him. jerky dragon: “Its not my fault that your not the Dragon morpher, we had so much hope that you would be it but no, you had to be a multi morpher. you know we used are last Star stream dust bag on you!”, he said angry at Nova. “I know that!, but its no reason to torment me with the past!”, she said sticking him again. jerky dragon: “You don’t learn so i apparently have to force feed you lessons, I am your Teacher so i expect you to learn what i am teaching you!”, he said stomping knocking her back. “I will never become as heartless as you Merk”, she said gritting her teeth. Mark:”I have had enough of your antics, next time i will make sure you LEARN”, he said his voice booming through the trees and then Nova knocked out falling into a normal dreamless sleep.((Nova hates Merk if you cant tell :3, she also a mistake, if you cant tell :3)), ((if you read all that which i think you guys did, “tee hee” XD i get carried away o.o))
*Nova not knowing what to do really watched the fight*
“Its training time right?”, Nova said eagerly.
“hi, Good morning”, Nova said turning to Bones. “this time when we train i won’t turn into anything poisoness, I promise!”, she said smiling.
“good morning”, Nova said to Dakota, Fallen, and Sam, not noticing Bones (( ignore what she said last post o.o))
((um Nova went to the couch lol XD))
*Hearing Fallen yell out, Nova almost drops the key from the sudden yell, she placed the key back with the knife and walks to the her door, excited to train and stuff, she enters the hallway, not knowing were to go so goes to the living room and sees Bones*”good morning”.