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*Waiting for Fallen to call a meeting or call for training time, Nova takes out the Skeletal key Ermin gave her and examined it, it felt cold in the palm of her hand and on her finger tips, she wondered how she would summon the warrior he was talking about, and stared at it for a long time running her fingers along the grooves and edges of the key*
*Nova revers rolls her way out of her burrito sheet she slept in and lied there on the bed blinking and trying to see clearer*”I hate waking up… but its like a time matin to breakfast”, she mumbled half awake, when she shifted to sit up her Rapier leaned off the bed and clattered to the floor, Nova groaned and leaned over and picked it back up, she adjusted her belt so it went across her chest, she then tied her sword so it was on her back now, Nova stood feeling cool now, but placed it back around her waist after a wile thinking how stupid it would look to where her sword on her back like that.
*Nova was roused from her sleep from what sounded like a bark, Nova wondered what would bark inside the house then she remembered Sam and went back to sleep*
*When Nova was done with the sword she finally noticed the time*”Woah its really late, in the morning we will spar”, she said to (i for got your name! i know it starts with an E dang it!)cleaning up the shavings and throughing them away,”Night!”, Nova said before walking to her room and moving her Rapier so it was prouped on the side of her bed, she flopped onto her bed and rolled her self so she looked like a burrito and fell asleep.
*Nova nodded then went back to working on the sparing sword*
“It could be exhaustion”, Nova said shrugging.
*Nova looks up from her widdling and saw Blaze to be unconciuse or something like that, she cleaned her knife and placed in back in her pocket and walked over to the couch next to Fallen and Dakota* “what happened?”, she said worried staring at Blazes face, his Aura was fine so she didn’t worry to much.
“whoa awesome!”, she said enthusiastically,”We can fence then!, i can make you a wood sword and i can use my sword but with its sheath on it!”, she said and jogged out the door looking for a tree, once she did she cut a branch off and brought it back and started shaping it into a fencing sword on the dinner table* “ok back making the practice sword”, she hollered.
“ok”, Nova siad nodding then put on a pondering face. “sooooo, what did you have in mind in the first place”, she said scratching the back of her head.
(( DUDE I HAD THE SAME IDEA!!!!!!!!!!!! )) “Sure!, so do you want to do like a contest on the paint ball thingy or do ya wanna spar?”, she said smiling.
“yeah its me”, she called back and walked up to her.”hi”, she said waving.
*after they were done with there break, Toby and Nova left the park and walked to the old man’s house* Toby:” You will come back tomorrow right?, i haven’t walked in a long time but i like it and its nice to have someone to talk to that can understand you besides being a dog”, he said cheerfully. Nova:”Sure, hopeful your master will want me to walk you for now on”, she said smiling at Toby before turning back to the side walk to make sure they didn’t run into anyone or anything. Once they got to the house and Toby was returned, The old man paid her the 3 dollars, old man:” thank you for walking Toby”, he said before looking down at Toby seeing his cheerful mood. old man:”can you walk him every week?, he seemed to really like the route you took”, Nova:”yeah we went to the park”, old man:” Well thats nice”, he said smiling, Nova:” well see you tomorrow”, Nova said before waving and jogging back to HQ, when she got back she went to the kitchen and got a glass of water, after she drunk the hole glass, she cleaned it with soap and water and placed it back.
*Nova finds a house and knocks on the door, stepping back one she waits for an answer, when the door opens an old man is standing there about her hight* old man:”yes?”, Nova:”Er, hello, i am starting a tiny tiny business and i was wondering if you had a dog that i could walk?”, old man:”ah, i see why yes i do have a dog and it would be very nice for him to actually walk, he is very lazy”, the old guy said as his dog walked slowly up to the door next to him, he was a plump beagle with long ears. old man:”his name is Toby, how much do you want to walk him?”, Nova:” 3 dollars”, Old man: “Alright let me get his leash”, he said slowly walking to a cabinet in the interior of his house, when he returned he hooked Toby’s collar to the leash and handed it to Nova. old man:” here you are, now you behave Toby”, he said smiling to his dog, Toby just bobbed his head and slowly walked out the door. Nova: “see you soon”, she said and lead Toby down the street. Toby: “why do i have to walk”, he grumbled. Nova: “Because your master said so and also you need the exercise”, she said staring down at the beagle, Toby stared up at her wondering. Toby: “how can you under stand me?”, Nova:”I has powers”, she said crouching down and whispering into one of his floppy ears. Nova:” now lets get walking”, she said enthusiastically, (after a wile of walking). Nova: “so how was your day?”, she said to the dog. Toby: “it was the usual eat, nap, go to the bathroom, and then eat again”, he said bored. Nova: “thats nice”, she said leading him into the park to walk on the grass. they stopped at the water fountain, nova pressed the water fountain button and the water went over the side in an arch. Nova: “yep these things are always brocken”, Toby:” I’ll say”, he said as he drank the water in middle air lapping at it with his tongue. once Toby was done they sat and rested on one of the benches for a wile talking about stuff from time to time (dis lasted like 20 mins i think).
*Done with her shower Nova was now in her room she set down her Rapier on her bed and exited now in human form, her ankle rings clacked after her as she sprinted down the hall*”bye!”, she said as she passed the training room and out the door sniffing the air every once in a wile to find a house with a dog that was fairly far away from HQ*
“Uma go wash up then see if i can get my business up in running with out the flyers”, she said grinning then padded down the hall to the bathroom to get the paint out of her fur.