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*Very nice house you got here”, she said scratching the back of her head looking over to Fallen.
*Nova In a thrusting positon thruster her Rapier forward stabing air, spassing from the change of ceenery she droped it on the table and yelped, stairing around awkwardly for a moment then took her blade back and sheathed it, then waved awkwardly*
*Nova took one last punch at the dummy she was training on and flopped down, sweet dripping off her forehead, she stared at her Rapier and drew it studying the blade and the hilt, “Bones said the blood of the innocent binds the bones”, she thought, then stood*”well this blade is going to save the innocent”, she murmured then started waking and stabbing the dummy trying to develop techniques*
“right!”, she said then set the papers down on the dinning table again.”I am going to train!”, she said then sprinted to the training room.
*Finally finding enofe paper Nova got a pencil and set to work on the dinning room table*
*upon arriving at the dumpster cats HQ, they dumped Nova in a puddle to wake her up, she jumped again ,alert she looked around, there were a bunch of other street cats but one of them sat on a dumpster, it smelled of blood, the cat stared at her from the shadows, all the other cats gathered around the edges of the alley blocking off escape, standing in the puddle Nova asked*”what do you want”, she stared into the leaders yellow eyes she wasn’t afraid of the street cats or him. leader:”HAHAHAHHAHAHAAH”, he laughed menacingly,”what I want…”, she said stepping out of the shadows putting his paw on his chest as if flattered, his ears were torn up very badly and his tail lashed at his side, his dark brown fur glistened and stuck with blood, his claws were drawn they were ragged and yellow like his teeth, he bowed his head giggling to himself then listed his head and gave Nova a wicked smile, his eyes were crazy.leader:”I want… you DEAD!”, he said with an out burst, he continued to giggle snootily, until he slamed his paw on the dumpster, blood driped from his paw and pattered on the floor of the alleyway, Nova really shocked by the cats crazy ness flinched at his actions, she exhaled then spoke firmly.”I don’t think thats possible”, she said staring back into the tabby leader’s eyes, his giggling continued a little louder. Nova:”look if you want a taco, or a Chassidic”, she said stepping out of the puddle. Leader:”NO …I …DONT ….WANT …A TACO!”, he said raggedly. Nova:”fine ima go now”, she said walking to the crowd to leave the stinking alley. Leader:”Don’t you leave!…*cough*… YOUR NOT DEAD YET!”, she said leaning unsteadily off the dumpster, he finally jumped down and face planted when he rose all the cats bolted. Nova sighed,”No man ima go bye”, she said then Morphed into a hawk and lifted off leaving the tabby cat leader in shock. Nova:”man street cats are weird”, she said as she landed at HQ, she Morphed into a human and looked around the house for some paper*
*Nova wakes up with a yawn, she smacked her lips wile she stretched on the couch cution, noticing Bones was asleep she didn’t want to wake him so she landed off the couch as littlest as possible, but when she landed her stomach roarded so to speak, Nova jumped at this landing again with her fur on end, Nova exhailded and smoothed down her fur before exiting HQ she walked all the way back to the forest when she got to the forest she Morphed into a bear so she could sniff out some wild berry a and fruits, Once Nova was done eating her breakfast of wild berrys, nuts, and a little fruit she trudged back to the city, Morphing back to a cat once out of the forest*”I need to get a job”, she murmered out load padding along in an alley way.”oh I know!, I will walk people’s dogs!”, she said enthusiastically, when she neared a garbage can as she trotted down the alley, two Brown tabbys lurked out and jumped her, claws out stretched, Nova jumped out of the way and staired at them blankly, she looked them over and saw they were starving, cat1: What are you doing Er house cat”, He said menacingly wile his partner and him circled her.Cat2:”Yeah whats a tortishell (cat fur pattern) doing in these dangerous alleys”, he said wih a scratchy anoying voice.”Its none of your business”, she said quietly wile slinging forward to get out of the circle, Cat1:”I am afraid your not going any were”, he said before raming Nova back into the circle, Nova hissed.”Leave me be or else”, she said not wanting to hurt the cats, maybe a little…Cat2:”Or else what?, hehehhehehe”, he laughs.Cat1:”Are boss is always hungery for blood why don’t you follow use so he can meet you”, he said with an evil smirk, his friend to put on the same disturbing smirk before they both rammed into Nova knocking the breath out of her, Nova Weezed trying to get her lungs full of air but failing, the second cat shoved her on to the first’s back and they slunk into the darkness of the alley, interested to see the leader, to see what he wanted, Nova decided not to Morph into an elephant and kick them, she thought then got knocked out*
*Nova yawned*”good night Bones”, she said smiling then she tucked her head in her paws, before falling asleep Nova muttered softly.”I hope “mr. flat nose” doesn’t talk to me again”, she said scoffing a little remembering how he pestered her into breaking her healing cycle then drifted to sleep.
*Ariving at HQ Nova ploped down on the coach exhasted from runnig around the forest, she Morphed into a Cat and curled up on the couch square next to Bones*
*Nova looked up to the sky through the pines and other pine needle trees, The sky shown signes of a sun set soon and she was almost to the tree line, Nova shrugs and Morphed into a human and started walking again, Nova estimated that she could get to HQ by the time the sky darkens at this pace*
*currently morphed into a robin Nova swooped up over the tree line and scanned the sky, it was going to get dark soon, she noticed that she couldn’t see the city either, she must of got so caught up in finding nuts for the squirrels she lost track of direction, landing on the soft soil under a spruce tree Nova Morphed into a brown bear and followed her own sent back to the city*
“so long, i will return at when the sky darkens”, *she said saluting really quick in the air making her fall a foot or 2, Nova flapped up again and exited the building flapping to the woods, once there she confronted many animals and asked them if she could help them with food or there homes, Nova helped a lot of squirrels, they were easy to find and had easy simple tasks for her to fulfill, Nova also helped other robins and blue jays, blue birds on her way to the river that cut through the forest once there she scouted out a beaver and helped him to build a dam for his family, Nova rested in the new dam of the beaver family for a wile then continued on her tiny quest to change the minds of the apocalypse people*
“well, ima go to the woods, you can come if ya want”, she said as she Morphed into a blue bird and fluttered up.
“yeah, i am going to try and help every animal in the forest, but to be honest the squires and foxes are rude, well most of em”, she said shrugging.
*Nova smiled at Bones mild sarcasm*”yeah, me and the squirrels are going to have so much fun collecting nuts”.