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“Guys he just said he was going to release some thing we should probably not be in the radiuse of that thing he is going to release”, she yelled not really knowing what to do.
*Nova looked over to Kaz, a look of absolute fear spread across her face*”LORD BABY JESUS!!!!”, she yelled, strong evil was pulsing from Kaz how he hid that from her she did not know.
*once Nova mustered the strength her stood, her vision as a little blurry and she was still breathing a little loud*
*Nova, landed and morphed back to human form because she didn’t go to the limit of her time as a mythical beast, she was still concise, she sat down and breathed heavily*
*Making a split second descition, Nova closed her eyes and took deep breaths when her eyes opened she Morphed into a phoenix, her Crimson Feathers ruffled as she moved in the way of the fire blast, her Long tail feathers gracefully swept up behind her as she leifted off into the air and ignighted her self, she body edmiting more heat than lava, she ground she flew above began to crack from the heat, she swooped forward taking the blast like it was nothing and screeched making any glass in a 3 mile radios to crack, she headed strait for Kaz*
*Nova had a thought, she raced to Blaze and said*”Blaze, i can morph into a mythical beast and end Kaz right here but…, my body will be exhausted and i will be vulnerable after i am forced to Morph back to human form if i am to do this i need some one to get my body out of here”.
*Nova jumped back a pace and got in her fighting stance, her purple wolf eyes following Kaz waiting for a time to jump in and attack*
*Nova morphed into an armadillo and rolled back ward for 20 feet then stopped and fell on her side, she un rolled her self and glared at the new sink hole that incased Kaz, she Morphed into a Red Wolf and Prowled up to the sink hole and yelled down*”YOU WANT TO GO BRO!?!”, she also sent down a deep Grawl of hostility.
“Heck i belive the battle will be over when Blaze kills Kaz”,she said Grimly.
*Nova feels s sysmick wave, her animal senses told her to go the other way, he noticed other tiny animals wanted to go away too, she looked in the direction it came from she couldn’t see it because there was forest but she knew something was wrong*”Bones, I am going to go over there”, she said pointing in the direction she felt the wave.”Jackie I am going to go i will come back tomarrow we can talk more then if you want”, she said with a smile then Morphed into an eagle, she lifted off and flapped to the tops of the trees then headed tmwords the wave, she just knew it had somthing to do with the team.
*Nova giggled at the Skeletons, but then started to inhale and exhale to maintain the connection with there Auras, once it was up to speed she relaxed a little*
*Nova frowned at the way Jackie died, she had herd of Operations she didn’t like them, to imagine a person knock you out then cut you open and move around your insides made her shudder, she also herd they save lives and take many like Jackie’s*
*”Bones is intertwined with anything having to do with being dead”, she relayed to Jackie.*
*”Bones here whanted to meet you”, she relayed to Jackie*
*noticing Bones for the first time she was surprised at him standing there, her eyes widen for a second then go back to normal I wonder if Jackie can hear his answer, she thought*