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*Nova sighs*”ok”, then walks over to the training room, she stops and looks out at the grave of skeleton parts all facing one corner that had blood splattered on it, she sighs again.”Heck do you want to help me clean up the training room there is some interesting trash here that would be faster to pick up if you helped”, she asked form the door way to the training room.
*Finally arriving home Nova opened the door and closed it behind her, she sighed and looked over to were Dakota was making himself some food*”hay Dakota why were you in the trash like that?”, she asked curious.
“ok”, she said as she Morphed into a brown bird again.”bye”, Nova dived out of the window then Morphed into a hawk and flew home.
*Nova sighed*”Bones i became friends with you because I saw that you are a nice person, other people can’t really see that”.
“Hay aslong as you are in here you can’t make new friends and you can’t help the team”, she said in a soft voice.
*Nova could not relate to Bone’s situation so she curled up on his shoulder and tryed to comfort him with her presence, she hates seeing her friends in pain but she didn’t know how to cure Bones pain*
“That makes sense, you wanted to see your old home”.
“its alright everyone makes mistakes and make regrets in life”, she said trying to be comforting.
“well yeah i wanted to make sure none of those weirdos shanked my friend”, she said with a friendly smile.
*Finally arriving at Bones window Nova flys in and lands on his should then Morphes into a dwarf mouse*”hi”.
*Findally home she brought him to his room and set him on his bed she then got bandages and felt his ankles and shoulders to see if anything get broken during the fall she guessed buy the indent he left in the bags and cans, she wrapped up one of his ankles and relocated his shoulder, Dakota sat up at this and she set him back down she got him a glass of water, setting the water down on the night stand she said*”um i have to go be sure to not to dislocate your shoulder again”, and with that she exited the building and headed for the prison in her brown bird form*.
*Nova turned into a lion and nudged Dakota onto her back, she then as stealthily as she could carried him back home*
*hmm, i think the army found him were he was going and he escaped, Nova thought then grawled at the thought, but how can i get him back home with out being seen, especially when he is unconciuse or something like this*
*findally having a sent to follow it led her to an alley way with garbage, her nose rinkled at the stench of garbage but proceeded to talk and sniff around the alley way until she found him in a heap of yeah cans and garbage bags*”Whoa are you alright”, she said concerned pushing more bags and cans off him.