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*Nova face palmed at Terrence*”oh geez”, she muttered,”He is going to see the skeletal wolf and go bonkers”, she thought.
“um, and my name is Nova DragonFlame”, she said trying to not be rude she smile will she was at it accidentally showing off her sort of long canine tooth.
“huh, er no i didn’t think your drunk or anything its just i don’t own the building”, she said looking up at the stranger.
*Nova looked back at Terrance*”Its alright boy i just moved your master to the couch”, she said in a kind voice.
*Nova got him on the couch and covered him with a blanket, she then found a dust pan and Morphed back to Human form she swept up the glass and dumped it in the trash also wiping up the vodka, she opened the door and found a guy siting on the porch, she stared at him confused*”er”.
*Nova reached to pull up Bones but stopped half way remembering how he burns up when touching living beings, she instead Morphed into a lion and started to push him up, after a will of nudging she got him on her back*
“um… ok”, she said taking the Repièr, she felt guilty taking it.
“Er, cool”, she said watching them fuse.
“Oh yeah”,she said will hiting her head, she Hoped down from the counter and Morphed into HumAn form again she walked over to the parts and handed them to bones.*Nova glanced at his Scyth, a tink of fear started in her chest*”soo what do you think we can use to put them together?”,she asked trying to not stair at his Scyth.
*Nova’s bunny nose switched*”I think you had to much alcohol Bones, also I thought you had them?”,she said from the counter top.
*Nova then attempted to jump up on the counter and was successful*”Yay”,she said to her self.
*Nova Morphed into a brown fluffy bunny and hopped to the kitchen for not good reason*
*Nova stopped beating at the dummy and listened to Cloud, she then leans back so she can see fallen and cloud, “yep there both Angels”,she thought looking at there auras then continued to hit the dummy.
*Nova finally got all the paint ou of her coat and Morphed back into a human she then went back to the training room were she started punching and hiting a dummy*
*Nova got hit 4 times at once*”Gah!”,she said and limped over to the side to rest.((I has to go bye))