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*Nova was rumaging through a pile of cork screws and metal peices when a skeleton aproached her*”hello?”,she said to the skeleton it showed her the blade, it was a little rusty but was thin Nova took it from the Skeleton and hefted it, it was light! Now to see if it would not break, she took the blade flew up 2 story’s and droped it on a car, when she took it up again it was intact.”yep this is the one all it needs is the rust off it and it’ll be good as new”, Nova said with cheer.
“Ok, I am going to go to the far corners and look for stuff there”,She said before lifting off his arm and into the air.
“I can fly from above and look for stuff that way, or I can stay with you and help you seek out shiny stuff”, she said with a smile well as close as a hawk can get to one.
“Uhh, I think I have a bad sense of humor and I think I try to hard and make cheesey or jokes that don’t make sense”,she admited out loud.” Never mind”.
“When I landed on your arm I almost morphed into an eagle”,she said flat out.
*as there riding Nova said*”you know what’s sort of funny”,she said to Bones.
“Thank you!”,Nova says as she lands on his arm, she Morphes into a Hawk so her vision was better.”whoo!, let’s go”, she said enthusiastically.
“Hmm alright, can I help?”,she asked curiously.
*Nova turns to Bones*”I don’t know if we could we would have to find the perfect peice of metel and a light hilt, that would be very hard”, she said doughting the fact they could find the prices.
“Hahaha it’s dead me”, she said as she lifted off to inspect the Boney owl.”I have no idea how these things can fly”,she said fascinated at the owl.
*Nova finally came up with an answer*” um a rapièr (thin sword that is very light)”,she said finally.
“Nope I think, hmm the Owl stands for many thing I think, uh well what I know is that it symbolizes wisdom, and death and maybe more, and I am still thinking on your question”.
*Nova lifted one of her talons to her beak and pondered*”hmm”.
*Nova Morphed into a Horned owl and landed on the arm o the couch*”Tiny quiz what does the owl symbolize”,she said.
*Nova turns to Bones*”hmm
thats scary and cool”,she tweeted,