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*Nova inches away from Kai, because he was on fire*
“No, but thank you”,she said to Bones with a smile.
“hmm thats odd”, Nova said trying to figure out why Terrance did what he did.”Ya know i lived with Wolfs for a long time so ,hmm”,she thought about it.”Its most unusual to me but it might have the fact that he was brought back from the dead he could have been confused or seeing things, but i don’t know anything about that i never was resurrected before so, muh”,she said to Bones.”Ya know you are worrying me with all your shivering”,Nova said to Kai.
*Nova pulls her nose away form the bottle*”Er, i cant drink alcohol i am 13″,she said to Bones.
“yeah i figured, you have a similar Aura with Bones only just yours has more coldness in it if that makes sense”,she said to him.
“whats that?”,she asked curiously sniffing at the bottle.
“Yeahhhhhh, you look like your going to get frost bite when its not even cold”,she said will Morphing into a snow fox, she waddled over to him and curled next to him.”there you should get warmer snow fox have the warmest fur in the world”.
“uh can i help?, like can i get ya a blanket or something”,she asked to the shivering person.
*Jenna and Oryan followed every one*
“my powers are to under stand animals, i can morph into animals, and i can under stand Auras”, she said to Vlora.”What are your powers, i am guessing you can move stuff with your mind”, she said to Vlora.
*Nova face palmed, “to much info”, she thought to her self*”er in other words i don’t need to know anything”, she said a little embarrassed.
“huh oh, oh well i can sort of tell some ones personality or mood some times by see there Aura yours was dark and dank like death!, but your not like that”, she said with a smile.”I think its just because your powers are masking more of your personality”.
“oh hello!, I am Nova i am new”, she said to the girl stacking books with some invisible force.
“You know your Aura doesn’t tell everything about ya”,she said smiling.
“Er thanks”,she excepted the knife and tucked it in her right they pocket.