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“sooo inject that poison into him?”,she said pointing at the vile in Dakotas hands.
“Huh?”, Nova said confused.
“A bat”,she said confidently.
“Yeah!”,she said will jumping and fisting the air.
“ok?”,she Morphed into a hawk flew 5 feet above Dakota then Morphed into a porcupine, turned around in middle air and shot her quills down at Dakota, she fell for about 3 feet then Morphed into a Hawk again, and fliped over she then beat her wings as hard as she could and hovered above the concreat by a foot she then sorted up again and circled Dakota one time, then she dived down stopped and Morphed into a human again, she turned to Dakota*”was that alright?”,She asked curiously.
“oh its alright, your probably right but you never know”,she said shrugging
“hmm, nope never done that!”,she said to Dakota, then jumped at Bone’s voice.”Gah!”,she said startled at Bones.
“ok”,*Nova Morphed into a wolf, then 1 second later she was a cat, then a lizard, and finally a lion, Nova shaked her head*”eh, that made me dizzy”,she said as she turned back into human form again.
*Nova puts away her top*”Er, hmm pretty fast”,she said with a smile.
*Nova steps back 3 paces so they can be alone she then sat down and started to fiddle with a tiny toy top kept in one of her many pockets*
“My power is to understand animals, understand auras, and Morph into any animal so i am told but… i can also Morph into a mythical beast to but i am totally exhausted after so its like a last resort”,she said to Dakota.
*Nova gets off Jax and follows Dakota, Morphing back into her human form*”Er sorry i could not answer your question earlier hehe”,she said a little embarrassed.
“Er i don know anything about this but please release Dakota”,she said still on Jax in her bear form.
*Nova morphs into a bear*”Hay stop attacking my teacher!”,Nova adeptly sat on Jax.”there!”.