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*Liv couldn’t really talk so all she could do is give her a sympathetic look of understanding*
*Liv was zoning out again, she blinked to try and keep herself awake*
*Liv opened her eyes but she was breathing irregularly and making a wheezing sound*
<i>A’m down, </i>Liv though as she got the wind knocked out of her and she blacked out.
*Liv roared, and swipped at Orsins head fast to try and knock him out*
*liv tackled Orsin*
*Liv herd a person scream for help, she looked down the hall and herd heavy claws on the floor and shoes. Abilard went to stand but she pushed him down*”Nuh, ye need to rest,” she said firmly he grumbled back, liv ran down the hall and saw Goldmyth and orsin cross her path. Liv paniched and Muttered a bunch of words, she slowly Morphed into a bear (brown bear). When the transformation was done she blinked and looked at her self,’Well..’ She thought then took a step forward on all 4s she kept a pace and ran after them. She made a bear noise after she had caught up a bit.(I shall wrestly with yo bear lol XD)
*Liv Walked over to Abilard, Abilard mumbled*”ye didn’t ‘ave tu hald me da hold tim,” Liv frown,”Ye were coughing a lot!” Abilard grumbled and shrunk back from her, he only made himself look fluffier though. Liv sighed and sat next to him. They sat in separate chairs in the nurses office, Liv crossed her arms.
*A nurse poped her head out into the hall and motion Liv to come in, She came in nervously. One nurse was tending to Abilards nose the other that had called her in gave her a band aid*”For your cheek,” She said then motioned her to the sink, Liv washed her cheek then dried it and put the band aid over her cut. After a while the nurses left abilard alone,”He will be fine just needs rest, anyways why are you two all cut and dirty?” The nurse asked looking at them suspicious,”…Uh, fire spell went wrong and I Bernt a tree and the ashes fell on us. Abilard inhaled to much smoke by the time I put out the fire,” Liv said nervously, The nurses frowned,”You shouldn’t be practicing fire around trees,” Liv fidgeted,”I-I lost track of my surroundings…” The nurses scoffed,”Young people,” one muttered.
*Liv took off running to the health office, when she got their she handed Abilard to them*”His…nus…clogged,” She panted, the nurse nodded and look him over and stuff. Liv sat in a chair out side of it panting.
*Liv nodded still out of breath*
*Liv rushed through Mis. cloude’s door out of breath, she cocked out*”Celler….thing…Help!…lasses!..Lads! Their!….hurt!…trapped!” Liv gasped.
*Liv nodded and took off running to find Ms. Cloude*
*Liv nodded*”…I got a lie ready,” She buttoned her flannel up with Abilard in it then jumped up and held onto a ledge she strained and pulled ber self up slowly.
*Liv’s back slid down the wall, she held her head as it was ringing. Abilard groaned and coughed, in Liv’s lap. When the woman left, Liv started thinking things over,”Were going to get expelled…” She said in despair, Abilard coughed,”Lets…get..aut ‘ere, yeah?” Liv held him again and looked up a the open ceiling, she looked at the walls trying to find a way so they could climb out. after a while Liv looked over to Piper,”Do you think Ms. Vine can detect lying?” A hint of desperateness in her voice.