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*Nova awakes from her meditation at the sound of her name,she opens one eye then the next she looked around and saw Dakota she walked over*”Elo”.
*see that is would be a will till Dakota returned to teach her she decided to sit down next to the closest building and meditat, she looked over the hole situation that she was the youngest and the weakest of her “new pack” and that she would try her best to help them*
“Uh, Ok?”,she said a little confused.
*Nova staired at Bones*”uh”,she didnt know what to do,”are you ok?”,she asked concerned.
“What the!”,Nova breaks the hand shake and steps back.
*Nova hesitated at the extended hand but decided it would not kill her or anything so extended her own and shook his hand*
“er, you know how dogs have that thing that tells them why an earth quake is going to happen well i have that only enhanced like 10 times, um ya see i have animal powers and stuff anyways i am Nova”,she said to Bones
“GAH!”,she said as she jumped back then tripped and fell on her back, she quickly got up.”uh, er no i just joined a second ago i guess hehe”,she said a little on edge at his aura,”Uh, you know you are seeing off bells in my head right now”, she said to Bones.
“fancy name!”,she said to Dakota.
*Nova tossed the bread in the air, then Morphed into her human form she landed on her feet watched the bread, her rings on her foot catered together on the impact and all the way to Dakota*”so hello”,she said looking up at Dakota.
“i has food”,she said with the bread still in her talons.
“Er am i apart of the group?”,Nova didn’t really know what was going on.”Also there is a very demonic this walking around”.
*Nova hovered above the group*”Er i has food”,she said to every one with a bread loaf in her talons
*Nova returned with her tallons holding a gigantic bread loaf, she hovered next to Fallen*”Er this good?”,she asked curiously.