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*Nova began to feel tiered, she decided to stop in the corridor, she leaned up against the wall and slowly drifted asleep, she didn’t know why she decided to sleep in the corridor she was just really tiered*
“ok, and thank you so much”,Jenna said gratefully,Oryan,”thank you”,he said will bowing his head.
*out of nervousness Jenna swiftly entered the Attic*
*Jenna and Oryan crept silently behind her, alert at the slitest sound*
*Jenna & Oryan follow her, into the building, they enter with caution*
*Jenna and Oryan sprinted after them, following with ease*
“that sounds like a great idea!”,Jenna said.
“wow really?, it would be awesome if i could”,she said with a smile.
“yeah if i do work for some backer or something, some times they try to keep us locked in and they would send us to a foster house thing”,Oryan,”yeah we just slip away or break the door down”,he said with a smile.
*Nova was geting really confused walking the halls, she got worried to for the girl that saved her the the boy, her stumek Grawled*”argh”,she said will taking out a granola bar from one of her many pockets and started munching down.
“Hmm, what does he mean by welcome to the group, and what is this place?”,she mutered will walking the corridors.
*Nova didn’t know what to do so she wandered around*
*Nova felt awkward being there*”uh…er…um i am Nova DragonFlame”,she said awkwardly.
*Nova finally finds a Journal*”um is this it?”,she hands the Journal to the guy.
“yeah um you sit down, drink your water and i will look for that journal”, she said at she looked through the dresser throughly.