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*Jenna scratched her head*”hehe ya see me and Oryan jump from town to town and uh we don’t go to college”,she said with a nervous smile”.
*Oryan’s ears flaten*”Sorry”,*His ears in flatten*”Oh I think I know how to play that one!”,he said excitedly, his tail thumping the roof.,Jenna,”oh how rude of me, I am Jenna and this is Oryan”,she said.
*Jenna smiled up at the taller people, ‘Oryan’ thumped his tail*”eh can I play a game too?”,he said curiously to the other daemons.
(Jenna jogged down an ally way soon leading into open space, she proceeded and saw 3 people a boy that was getin pecked the hell out of buy a falcon and 2 girls, she aproached them and stopped in between the 2 girls*”Hello!”,she said inthusiastically, Oryan,”why is that falcon pecking him”,he said cockin his head to the right and staired at the fiasco.
(How do I jump in :3)
Name: Jenna DragonFlame
Age (18+means daemon will have settled): 13
Gender (Daemons’s gender will be opposite): Female
Species(Ice bears do not have Daemons): Human
looks: Drity blonde hair with a red tiny braid high light going down the middle of the right side of her head, Purple eyes, freckles along her nose and under her eyes, 5’3 , slightly tan skin, fairly muscular, light gray cargo pants, red sneakers, little baggy white long sleeve t shirt.
Deamon name: Oryan
Deamon’s preferred form/settled form: Red wolf, Brown Bear
back ground: she grew up with very nice parents until they were murdered when she was 8, ever since she roams the streets not wanting to be confined in an orphan house she rather be free and she helps fellow orphans when they need it.
Extra: she is good at stealth and can trust people very early which is her weakness and strong point in social interactions, she is fast runner, she can also find work most of the time fairly easy.
Species: Great Horned
Gender: Female
Weapons: battle claws, ice splinters
Bio: Traveled to the Great tree when she was 6 with her parents they arrived at the Great tree when Houou was 6 1/2 ever since she learned the ways of the owls there and is ready to fight for her home( she is 13).
Extra: She has red brown fure, loves to Hunt and read along with building stuff some times, she is also a medium sized owl.
(please correct me on anything that is not in the book X3 I saw the movie but I plan on reading the book)