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*Liv backed away from the wolf, she back ed into the wall and hit her head. the back of her head aced now, Abilard coughed again*
*Liv follow the wolf the best she could with her blazing knife, when the whale came form the woman she faltered and barley dodged the wolf*
“Crap,” Liv mumbled, She grew her dirk and muttered words and it lit on fire.
*Abilard herd the wolf noises, he tried telling Liv but she was to preoccupied trying to get him out. He started biting Liv’s arm, Liv mumbled ‘ow’ and looked down at him. He pointed his ear at the general direction of the wolves*”freckin… walfves,” He whispered, Liv looked over their and could see the silhouette of the wolf. She stepped back a little.
*Liv shielded Abilard again from the ceiling*
*Abilard Coughed*”So-some…ting…dere,” He looked out into the darkness in the general Direction of the wolves, Liv didn’t notice so continued her wall scanning with her hand.
*Liv looked around, it was very very late so their was no outside light to look for. Abilard seemed to be sick from all the dust getting in his nose, He wasn’t muttering like usual, just coughing and sneezing. Liv held him nervously, she walked up to a wall and cautiously extended a hand to it. She ran it along to try and find a way out, she didn’t care about the consequences they may face when they get out she wanted Abilard to be ok*
*Liv got up and held the bottle, she stuffed it as far in her pocket as possible. She stared at the dead ghost woman thing before looking around for a way out, she held Abilard close to her. He kept coughing though*”Ye can farget aboot the deal makin,” Liv said quietly.
“Well, we didn’t do it ta ye,” She frowned, Abilard made a series of coughes. He had dropped the bottle with mandrake root stuff in it on Liv’s lap. Liv’s clothes and hair was smudged with scoot and dust from the ceiling and the fire that had been up. She had little burns and a cut on her cheek, she started to feel the sting of them.
“Cant we just kill her?” Liv asked curiously.(lol she doesn’t wanna decide XD)
*Liv shielded Abilard again from the ceiling, when it stopped cracking she looked up at Orsin*
*When the ceiling was coming down, Liv grabbed Abelard’s semi grey soot covered figure and and held him under her as she waited for the ceiling to stop crumbling. When it did and she saw the water pool Liv yelled up*”HELP!” She normally wouldn’t ask for help or yell for it unless it was necessary, in this case it was necessary. Liv completely ignored the woman.
“AH!” Liv yelled and fell back at the rocks shooting up all a sudden, Abilard jumped out of a crate and yelled through the bottle neck.”A got ta juice stuff! Lets get aut ta here!”
*Liv stepped away from the rocks*
*Liv gritted her teeth, and made fists at her side. When she saw the rock spicks She gasped and jumped away from one that shot up near her. Abilard hid in the crate with a bottle neck in his mouth*