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*Abilard hopped away from the tables and hopped towards the forest, he herd their was a rabid dog near these parts or just a crazy one. Liv noticed he had gone, Worry washed over her and she went to put away her plate calling to Piper,”A’m ganging ta leave early,” She waved before jogging off to find the brown bunny rabbit. She exited the school and walked round the little grass area in front of it near the forest, All a sudden Abilard came scattering out of the woods swiftly. He was later followed by the stray black furred dog, He turned around and went to kicked at it but missed. The dog went to bite Abilard with its dripping jaws, Liv sprinted toward them,”HAY!” She yelled and threw a kick at the dog kicking it away, she muttered some words and her hand set fire.”Gang Madra! (dog)” The dog jumped forward and went to bite her arm, Liv fell on her back surprised. Her grabbed the dog’s neck and burned it but its teeth were already snagged on her arm. Abilard kicked the dog off Liv and sent it flying into the trees and under brush, their was a defeated growl whimper.”Ye ok Lass!?” Abilard was on her stomach now where the dog once was.”I think so…ye?” Liv sat up and held him looking him over then realized what he had done,”YE WENT AN FAUGHT A MUCKLE ANIMAL!” She scolded irritated, Abilard’s ears sagged a little lower now.”Maybe…” He replied, he didn’t know why but he felt bad. Why would he feel bad? Why did he care what she thought? Liv stood and whinced at the sting in her arm,”Lets gang to the health affice,” She walked in the direction of the office, but glanced back at the forest suspiciously. Liv didn’t know why she cared about what Abilard was doing, perhaps he reminded her of her little brother and grandfather at the same time.(Random Dog Attack is for Bonding purposes, to speed it up)
“Ye’ll find oone dunt worry,” Liv smiled.
“The Big freckin bears showing of again!” Abilard muttered under his breath so only Liv could hear, she frowned and turned to him,”Dun’t Ye gang Pickin fights wi’h muckle ani’als,” Liv had a hand over her mouth as she chewed, Abelard’s nose twitched and he huffed before continuing to eat. He secretly plotted to go and look for a fight though, but not with Orsin.
“Conferagulatians,” Liv mumbled covering her mouth trying to speak.
*Liv waved at GoldMyth, she couldn’t talk because she was chewing her food. That filled one cheek.
“huh, never thaught of that,” Liv said getting her food and siting down, Abilard just happened to sit next to Liv He chewed on carrots and green leaves.
“Geed mornin…Seems, da school grews every day,” Abilard said looking around as they approached the hall, Liv nodded.
“Really? Brilliant,” Liv smiled, and walked with piper to the dinning hall, Abilard ended up hopping next to them Liv greeted him and he grumbled a good mornin back.
“is their such thing as a Meat diet?” Liv stood ready to go but still sleepy.
“I know, eh, what tim is it?” Liv looked around trying to locate a clock.
“Yay,” Liv said in a monoton,”No meat,” she leaned to the right and her head hit the wall, she repeated with until the side of her head stung. She rolled out of bed and got dressed, she walked out of the bathroom and ploped down on her bed again.
*Liv woke up and groaned, she rubbed her eyes*”A’m not a mornin person.”
*Liv fell asleep again*
*Aaron was sleeping in his tree outside the school*
*Liv was awoken by the loud speaker and ms. Vines voice. She groaned and rubbed her eyes trying to wake up*(Liv and Abilard are gonna bond in a couple days)
*Calypso stepped forward and nipped at him*”Go out of the territory now or I’ll alert the pack of your presence…If you want company I told you theirs a loner around these parts…” Her ear flicked.