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(How can I interact with you guys?)
*Layla slips on her navy jacket and starts to head outside*
Name: Sunshine Ellie
Age: 15
Appearance: Blonde wavy hair that goes down to about her shoulders, green blue eyes, Freckles along nose and under eyes, athletic build, jeans, sneakers, white t-shirt, basic mini bastard sword sheathed and locked with a pin on a chain necklace she always keeps.
Powers: When she unsheathes the mini bastard sword necklace it turns life size and steal armor materializes on her, the armor consists of plates at the sides of the thighs, grieves, breast plate, bracers, a mail shirt, and a single shoulder plate on the right shoulder. She can also shoot harmful beams of light as people from her hand, or none harmful.
Weaknesses: Potato chips, pitch black places, honor bound, celery (allergic).
Bio: Got the necklace from an old antique shop, besides that she’s a typical kid.
Personality: Relatively loud, bold, athletic, Loyal and honor bound.
*Layla read a book in her bedroom that was semi messy and small* (Where can I jump in dude? XD)
(Alright I don’t have time to read every char sheet on here to see if I can make a nice character that is not similar to another’s, but I am lazy so if My character is similar to anyone I am very sorry my good sir…)
Name: Layla Ebengale
Age: 15
Appearance: White hair with side swept bangs across forehead which sometimes cover her right eye, green blue eyes, freckles along nose and under eyes, 5’2, wears an navy jacket (Her dads) when she feels like it, a grey beany sometimes as well, blue long sleeve t shirt thats a little baggy, shorts, and sneakers.
Species: Coldone
Affinity: She is very shy and closed off from people, She usually gives the wrong message to people by not smiling and making efforts to make friends. She has one best friend and her mother, her dad died in a car accident. She hates drivers without license but that does’t keep her from trying to move on in life. Layla is a nice person if you get to know her, she tries to be plight but because of her awkwardness some people may feel like she does not like them. She is currently Free of Eni.
Powers/weaknesses: Layla can summon ice shards, her body is particularly cold but not to the extremes to were she steams in the sun or burns in a hot tub. Because of this she can exhale to make things frost over, she may develop her powers more as she develops in the rp along side you guys. Her weaknesses are spiders, People she cares about (NPC or RPers which will be relatively few), heights, and puppies to an extent, also salt and vinegar potato chips.
Yes, yes my good sir. I do agree to these terms *fixes monocle*
*Houou nodded and leaned back in her chair*
“Thats smart,” Houou smiled a little,”I’m not that into politics and the war, as long as it doesn’t affect my hunting I’m content,” She took another swig of mead, The truth was that she didn’t like the fighting but thats just what people do.
“Hahaha, yes,” She nodded and took another drink of her mead,”so what buisness do you have in Solitude? I am guessing trade since thats all their is really that you can do here.”
*Houou nodded*”Yes, trading of the skins and meats. Along with tusks and antlers,” She said tapping her fingers on the table, she wouldnt say her second line of work but it was a little obviouse with the leather tunic with many pockets. She would only steal if she needed the money to get by or the game wasnt at all plenty full.
“Thank you,” Houou smiled and drank some, Orion sat next to her. She got out a rabbit leg and he snatched it up.
((Ah shoit frick I for got D: alright alright uhhh dont mind the buying part XD just delete it from memory))
*Houou nodded and walked past the dunmer she opened the door for Skali, once they were inside She ordered a mead but sat at the table that was farthest from the reach of the fire places light*
(Sorry! I got cote up actually playing skyrim, sorry sorry!!)
*Houou nodded and smiled before pushing open the gates egarly*
“Alright,” Houou nodded and smiled,”Meh names Houou, nice to me you..?”
“Haha yeah,” Houou could see the light of the gate.