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“Stupid people…put…it..on men,” it growled and made sctaches on the metal is it tryed to get it off.
“Are…weh…near home?” It asked before scratching at the colar trying to get it off anoyed.
“I…was..home…den…a spirit…came…and blasted…me all- way, -ere,” It sat down.
(Ignore last post) *Erabus waited to see what The Hell hound wantsd*
“SHITTIN HELL,” Erabus yelled and sprinted away from the bigger hound.
*Erabus’s growl caught in its throat as it looked over the beast, after a moment it turned and ran*
“I need work-,” Dendrite stoped talking when the door blasted open, she looked over to see a dark elf in the door way.
*Erabus herd the faint foot steps after a while, it turned and growled*
*continued on chuckling to its self a little*
“Well I wasnt Born in elsewheyre if you must know, and I found Roro during my studies,” she baught one bottle of mead and a loaf of bread from the waitress.
*Erabus got a grip on the sword, it slowly pulled it out stopping every so offten. When it was out it bit into the handle as blood started to leak out of the cut. It hobbled away for a while before thinking of something else trying to forget about the pain and push it away. It slowly worked so it could start walking, it dropped the sword and continued on its slow walk to the boarder hopefully*
(Dang it XD)
*Erabus yowled and let got it tried to hobble away and lolled its head back to try and get the sword out painfully*(dat’ll keep the anoying man away XD)
*It ducked its head and ended up bitting…the croch area*(Ha IM EVIL!!! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA LOL!!! EEEEVVVVIIIILLL)
*It tackled the man trying to bit him it wasnt thinking that much just to bit him and not let go*
*Erabus ends up biting the horse, it doesnt let go as it rears and runs around in pain. After a few minutes the horse started to slow, it unlatched it jaw and pushed off from the horse rolled away before on its feet again. The horse laid down in agony, if it didnt get medicaly attention it’d probably die with in the hour maybe a bit longer. Erabus tasked the tang of blood all over its mouth, it turned in the direction of the man and spit before charging forward*(its dieing because Erabus basically dug its claws into it and bit off a portion of its back, so its loosing blood )