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“I did..” It growled darkly before shuddering at the cold hand, it let go and shook its head. Its eyes went on fire as it drooped molten fire from its mouth, before charging again.
(I know Ok XD the similaritys)
*Dendrite put her hand to her temple when the Elven lady had yelled out that she was a kahjiit. Even though a person could tell if they were close by, she sighed quietly and sat down*”Um, no actually I’m a traveling mage,” she held her palm out and a puff of frost showed before she put her hand back. She reached over and pulled the meat over to Roro now that it was warm.
*Erabus bit the sword instead of his face, Flames shot out of its mouth as it bit harder. Growling*
*After a while Erabus couldnt hold its self back, it launched forward out of the bush mouth blazing at the white haired man. Anoyed that he wouldnt give up*
*Dendrite blincked at the drunken Elven lady*”Um, do you need help out of the chair. er. You seem a little intoxicated at the moment,” Dendrite stood too help the lady if she wanted.
*Erabus took an intake of breath and held it backing uo a bit*
*Dendrite entered the bar with her hood up, she pushed through the drunks to the fire and set Roro down. She put some meat next to it to heat up, when Roro went to eat it anyway Dendrite pushed his muzzle away gently. Tucking the fur around him closer to him before she sat down and turned from the fire to hide her face in shadows. She knew Solitude was a bit more tollerent to beast races than others but still*
*Erabus remained silent under the bush*
*Erabus stops and hides in a thick bush*
*It made a slight turn, it didn’t know where Beast arcane territory was but it had a feeling it maybe in that direction*
*Dendrite can see solitude in the distance, She can see Roro shivering a little even with the fur she had put on him*”i told you not to jump into that river…Even if you do like swimming this, isnt the season,” She hauled him up so she was carrying him like a child with his head across her shoulder. Roro turned its head and liked Dendrite in the face,”No, no, no! Im gonna drop ya!” She stopped walking and turned her head away until he stopped, her arms were getting tiered from carrying him so she started walking while she could still carey him.
*Erabus set fire to bushes that got in its way to start a potential forst fire (I’m gessing theirs woods? If not then its not setting fire to things) ‘Have to get home,’ It thought*
*Jumped through the exit and ran as fast as it could, weaving through things*
*Dendrite walked along the frost and snow bitten road, Roro right behind her*
*Alright, It nodded before moving over to it. It rounded a corner before bolting toward the nearest exit*