The Basics

Display Name

Specter Galvenied



My Information




United States



Interested In

New Friends, Roleplaying


Aye, I’m Specter! Real life, I’m Cody. I’ve actually, a while back, got tangled in with the furry fandom a bit and even had my own fursona. Sorta leaving it, but I keep in touch with old internet buds lol. I’m currently a good ole Christian boy with a faith to be reckoned with lol. I am somewhat a major role-player in a sense, considering I look forward to any RPs fitting the Medieval Fantasy genres, which is my most favorite of all. I like anything involving knights and stuff. Mages and wizards are, in my opinion, the spice of an RP. I live in Louisiana, a fresh sweaty state in the United States XD I was a really enthusiastic gamer , but role-play has brought me away from the controller. Been playing a few things though, here and there. Specifically Dragon’s Dogma*fangirls*. Have I mentioned I love that game? I do love it lol. I’m an intermediate role-player, if I recall it correctly. But anyways, I’m a kindhearted young boy with a faith in Christianity, who also RPs lots of things like angels and knights as well as alchemist and archers.