Shuhei Saotome ‡ SanguineVampyruszSugarDemon
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Shuhei Saotome ‡ SanguineVampyruszSugarDemon
MemberNovember 27, 2018 at 7:40 am in reply to: Ordo Templi Mysterium Dextrose Dimensional GatewayLoki: *Emerges from Shuhei* Damn it! Alright I’m coming! Don’t go to far Shuhei! *grins*
Shuhei: *Ignores Loki and waves to his sister Helena.* I’ll be here waiting sis!!
Loki: Tch! Ignore me huh! Wait til I return!
Shuhei Saotome ‡ SanguineVampyruszSugarDemon
MemberNovember 27, 2018 at 7:35 am in reply to: Ordo Templi Mysterium Dextrose Dimensional Gateway*Shuhei and Loki had merged again and Shuhei was surprised to hear about this too. He listened almost falling off the edge of the stairs.*
Shuhei Saotome ‡ SanguineVampyruszSugarDemon
MemberNovember 27, 2018 at 7:26 am in reply to: Ordo Templi Mysterium Dextrose Dimensional GatewayLoki: We told you that your increasing powers were luring the attention of the gods. Well, there is your proof.
Shuhei: *He listened and wondered who this entity was since he believed Helena to be the only one of her kind with those destructive powers.*
Shuhei Saotome ‡ SanguineVampyruszSugarDemon
MemberNovember 27, 2018 at 7:12 am in reply to: Ordo Templi Mysterium Dextrose Dimensional Gateway*Shuhei felt himself split in two and Loki appeared while. He quickly stuck his hand in the basket and pulled out the candy.*
Loki: Tasty! But Helena chan, you know he wont speak to you about Soji’s situation. You should not ask! What is your next concern?
Shuhei Saotome ‡ SanguineVampyruszSugarDemon
MemberNovember 27, 2018 at 7:08 am in reply to: Ordo Templi Mysterium Dextrose Dimensional Gateway*Shuhei stands and and helps his sister up. He then sits on one of the stairs close to Thoth sama.* As expected of a god! Although, we weren’t expecting to speak to you. We were going to communicate with god Loki but now that you’re here. I believe you have more knowledge of the situation.
Loki: Tries to release himself from Shuhei’s body when he notices there’s candy for him in the basket.*
Shuhei Saotome ‡ SanguineVampyruszSugarDemon
MemberNovember 27, 2018 at 7:01 am in reply to: Ordo Templi Mysterium Dextrose Dimensional Gateway*Shuhei and Helena entered Satou Arcanum. Shuhei left the car outside and they rode a white bird-like creature to Ordo Templi Mysterium Dextrose. There they would bow as they noticed Thoth sama sitting right outside.* Thoth sama! *he said not expecting to see him so calm.*
Shuhei Saotome ‡ SanguineVampyruszSugarDemon
MemberNovember 16, 2018 at 7:15 am in reply to: Improvements to the site// hahaha he should have a roll of toilet paper’s worth of suggestions already. Gotta trust the guy. I’m sure he’ll make some awesome improvements 😉
Shuhei Saotome ‡ SanguineVampyruszSugarDemon
MemberOctober 31, 2018 at 5:51 am in reply to: Città Infernal*he was glad to hear Rika’s words and glad to see Kintoki getting into the car.* Kin! We’ll talk when we get back. *Gets in Oga’s car with Rika* We definitely had a good work out. *Chuckles*
Shuhei Saotome ‡ SanguineVampyruszSugarDemon
MemberOctober 31, 2018 at 5:25 am in reply to: Città Infernal*he had Rika on his shoulder as he sped through the path that led to the city. He heard Yoichi yelling. He would speed towards the car. He had decided to carry Rika because his speed was faster but also because she would be free to shot any demon that got to close to them.* I guess it’s time! We’re going for the car!! I hope they found him. Wait! Do you sense that? Another familiar presence! I hadn’t felt it before! @snipersugarspirit
Shuhei Saotome ‡ SanguineVampyruszSugarDemon
MemberOctober 31, 2018 at 2:42 am in reply to: Passageway Between Hades and The Road to Gehenna’s Gates*Shuhei was relieved to see that Rika wasn’t about to be Astryyd’s food and that he wasn’t going to feel those sharp claws. He helped Rika up.* Let’s hurry Rika, we need to go in our own direction. *What he meant without telling Rika was that they were going according to their plans. Each took a road that would lead them to the entry way of Citta Infernal. They would keep the the majority of the demon’s focused on each of their groups. They would fight along the way but they didn’t have to engage unless the demons got up close and personal. Once they reached that area they would meet with Yukio and Oga after Kin had been rescued. It was the best they could do, if not they’d have to rely on Leo and the next team to accomplish their goal.* I hope Yukio and Oga can do their part! This is going to be a damn work out!!
Shuhei Saotome ‡ SanguineVampyruszSugarDemon
MemberOctober 30, 2018 at 6:33 am in reply to: Passageway Between Hades and The Road to Gehenna’s Gates*Shuhei had also been surprised at how quickly his brother appeared. But he should not have been that surprised he had seen his brother’s movements in the foggy forest. He then turned his sword on Astryyd’s claws and chopped both off before they could reach Rika* Partner! Time to blast that damn demoness away! Do your worse! *he winks at her*
Shuhei Saotome ‡ SanguineVampyruszSugarDemon
MemberOctober 30, 2018 at 6:19 am in reply to: Passageway Between Hades and The Road to Gehenna’s Gates*Realizing the danger he was in. As quick as lightning, he reversed his sword and jabbed it back towards Morbida, he tried to impale her with the sword. Then he quickly turned and faced her.* It’s not an ordinary sword! It’s been given to me by the amazing blacksmith Red and it’s the one that will cut you down. *he growls*
Shuhei Saotome ‡ SanguineVampyruszSugarDemon
MemberOctober 30, 2018 at 4:56 am in reply to: Passageway Between Hades and The Road to Gehenna’s Gates*Shuhei was astounded at how much stronger she was than he was and faster. He was sure it was because she had fed on both human and demon blood. Something he had not done in a long time. He was always having substitute blood and the blood he had gotten before the substitute blood was from his sister Helena. But he dared not do that to her again. It drove him mad with guilt. He then noticed the struggles around him and he quickly used his sword bring it up swiftly between them and tries to slash her in half from the bottom up*
Shuhei Saotome ‡ SanguineVampyruszSugarDemon
MemberOctober 30, 2018 at 4:43 am in reply to: Passageway Between Hades and The Road to Gehenna’s GatesThat damn thin grew a beak in mid air! Look out partner! *Shuhei attempted to protect Rika but there as something similar to him that came flying out of the forest. Something that took hold of his arm and stood face to face with him.* What the….?
Shuhei Saotome ‡ SanguineVampyruszSugarDemon
MemberOctober 28, 2018 at 5:32 am in reply to: Passageway Between Hades and The Road to Gehenna’s Gates*The shrieking from the strange creature was hurting his ears at first he covered them but then he stopped doing that and decided to bare it as he saw Rika falling t to the ground, he caught her before she fell and with his sword he was cutting the tree branches that would try to reach out for them.* What is that thing? How does it know you? *he held his sword straight so that the creatures talons would not reach Rika while she shot at it.* Damn! It’s loud! Minna! Look out! *he warned the others*