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Samuel shrugs “your guess is as good as mine.” He says and Velia blinks “There is an end to every road .-.” Samuel translate,s “She says it has to stop eventually.” He says processing how morbid that was…
Velia coughs a little looking to Elijah and Alex. This all was happening so fast, and she…almost died…How many times has that happened? Samuel watched the others in the room. It was a horrible way to die…drowning…He felt so bad suddenly for Mina, of course the reason why wasn’t hidden but him thinking of her seemed kinda sudden. Hopefully their earlier message plans was working…Velia paddled around Samuel, not being bothered by their “leash” connection form the soggy scarf. She didn’t want to drown as much as he didn’t want her to drown.
Samuel looks to Velia, checking her heart beat with one hand, holding her in the other. Steady…seemingly, he continues kicking his legs watching Elijah disappear from sight, she begins stirring in his arms and coughing up water. As her eyes finally opened she sees Samuel with a sigh of relief. “I slipped.” She says apologetically. Samuel unwraps his scarf, and it’s even apparent there’s a slight difference in skin tone, being his neck is ever so slightly lighter, he takes the red scarf and knots it around his wrist, knotting the other side to Velia’s thin grey wrist, however being very careful of…things. Velia watches curiously, wincing if he gets too tight. “Thank.” She said when he finished and she drops from him and begins to swim awkwardly in doggy paddle-like-movements.
Samuel moved to see Velia emerging and paddles to her. Velia remains unconscious as Samuel grabs her. “oh my god…” He breathed over and over.
Samuel shudders a bit, hearing the hopelessness in Elijah’s tone. “I…guess. I can’t see far enough down…God if they’re…” He can’t choke the word “I…don’t know what I’ll do.” He sniffles back tears looking down through the water, nothing was visible….no flash of pink hair, no movement or tangled monochromic figure…no movement of a dress whether black or white…no skin…no…nothing….
Samuel is submerged now attempting to get back up to the ceiling, there is a foot of water between his feet and the concrete floor, he swears his vision was trying to earn him about underground but now he can’t understand, he looks around the bobbing heads seeing his jacket begin to submerge…his heart seems to stop there’s no mess of Raven hair and grey skin….no white eyes looking to him desperately secretly pleading for help or finding temporary relief…He doesn’t know what to do….He yells out in a panic.
Her hair falls away and messes around her and she begins to feel light headed as she sinks down, coughing a bit, and feeling faint through the water stinging her eyes she sees Samuel frantically paddling in the distance…looking for her. The bubbles in the water seemed everywhere from his movement as she continued to sink, no energy to swim..Remembering what Samuel was thinking about, he said underground…is that where she was going? Her face feels hot but the water is relatively calm its like she’s burning up form being under….then she can’t seem to keep her stinging eyes open long enough…flickers….
“SAM-SAM!” She tries yelling with a hoarse voice but gets a mouthful of water, the words lost in bubbles….
Velia was floating now, holding on to Samuels its an iron grip, her claws still equipped. Samuel won’t let go of her either but to carry her again might be a bit difficult, he closes his eyes and begins to think suffer….An image flashes through his mind of underwater feet running from fast moving streams of bubbles….the term ‘hot’ came to mind but the vision had no further explanation “is it underground?” He asks confused. Velia coughs a bit, the water now mostly covering her, but she is basically using Samuel as a floatations device, Damuel quickly undoes his soaking jacket, and turns it into a raft so Velia can prattle around, she wasn’t much taller then 5 ft so this was an overwhelming amount of water, eventually she wouldn’t be able to touch at all…
Samuel nods, and from his jacket grabs a spear and begins chipping the ice, Velia stands there a moment awkwardly before Samuel smiles and hands her her gloves with claws. “Careful” he warns her and she nods clawing Nepeta style into the ice with the fragments of a smile.
Samuel manages to free himself, and sets avelia down on the ice where she wobbles and slips a bit but Samuel steadies her. They look around at the Interesting turn of events is whole thing has been.
Velia looks sadly at it, self consciously pulling her sleeves down even further but attempts to keep a level head. This is to save them…to save them…. Samuel one handedly hugs her
“it’s alright you know what you’re doing.” He encourages.
Samuel nods. “Alex knows a guy with the same face as him but when Alex gets hurt the guy with the same face will also get hurt so, when he gets hurt a person with the same face as me will see him getirng hurt because he can see the past and the present and into other dimensions where as I see the future. So the guy with my face will then probably let others know and they can find a way to figure out how we were trapped and eventually rescue us.” He finishes and Velia nods from his arms.
Velia looks to this Emmaline. “Sh, we need to tug the cat.” Samuel looks like he’s about to reiterate himself when a flash of cold ice hits his boot and he shudders nearly dropping Velia and she screams a bit before he last secondly grabs back on to her.
Velia blinks “The cat had a ribbon on its tail so you can’t untangle it, but maybe we can yank it until the cat realizes it’s there.” Samuel explains, “Alex and Andy are connected she’s attempting to use their connection, a painful one, to attract the attention of Andy, and then…what exactly Andy’s locked up in his room. ” Velia sighs like it’s obvious. “He is in the sand.” Samuel looks like if he wasn’t holding Velia he would facepalm. “Once Andy gets the point pointed” he pauses a moment to smile slightly without actually breaking the mood. “Jynz will see what’s going on, and be able to inform people.”
((I just needed s thing quick they’ll come back in a moment don’t worry— Velia thinking is oddly affective—))
She nods….
((Jade don’t hate me for this I am Triggering something))
many miles away in another dimension, a boy sits in his room, on the floor hiding under his hoodie, it’s been a day full of hallucinations and not a single letter from Avery, he may have been crying a bit ago but he wouldn’t tell anyone that suddenly he winces in pain and reveals a thin scar forming on his arm.
“What…the fuck…?” Suddenly his door burst open and his heart skips a beat fearfully as Minnie walks in, her attention finding purple eyes land on the scar, “ANDY DID YOU…WHERE DID YOU…I AM GOING TO—” she panicks and begins digging through the few things left in his room, finding nothing sharp enough to self harm then examining his arm forcefully. Andy looks away hoping she wasn’t going to make a scene, he didn’t do it…he knew he didn’t…She sighs looking at the rather thin already scarred cut “it’s just like a paper cut or something isn’t it you dweeb?” He nods lying without speaking and she rushes out…a part of him felt oddly worried. The last time something like this happened, it was….
oh god, Alex is in trouble.
Samuel holds tightly to Velia as his legs freeze. Velia hugs him and tries not to cry “Sam-Sam I’ll drown if the feathers are too white.”