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  • *She embraces Helena and kisses her cheeks playfully a few times.* Happy Birthday gorgeous! Wow what a party! There’s a line outside the baker of people waiting just to get in and wish you happy birthday! No worries though! They are also having cake hahah

  • *Keeping maintenance at the haunted mansion. She sees some familiar faces and greets them.* Hey! Welcome! Glad you could make it! This should be fun! Enjoy yourselves!

  • *Nozomi Kaguchan and Rintaro Sogo were both afraid and excited about what was happening. They didn’t have a full understanding of the situation but they helped Tanya and the others with their full enthusiasm. They wanted to be helpful in any way possible.*

    Nozomi Kaguchan: We’ll get the rest of the bags!

  • @sadistprince
    *Arrives with Sougo and opens the doors to the hide out.* Just run in minna. There should be map which shows you the root to the path that leads to the tower. It’s alright to leave in groups. If you’re a fighter, stay behind the group and keep them safe. The path to the tower is hidden from the giants and other dangerous creature’s view. Once you’re in the tower head up the spiral stairs and go through the gates. You’ll be in the new world. Sougo and I will hold distract these malicious creatures while you get away!

  • *She had heard of Gentoka and watched amazed at his remarkable ability to see without having his eyesight.* Amazing!

  • *She’s watching and enjoying their interactions. She brings over the jumbo parfait, the milkshakes and the frozen treats.* Enjoy minna!

  • First, let me say that it is my utmost honor to be part of this magnificent clan. Second, I have read and understood. I have already fixed my name to show my alliance to you. And I will slowly work to update my profile so that it’s more uniform with everyone else’s.

  • *Kikuno looked towards the west.* It seems our path go in different direction Urakaze. *she would smile kindly at her.* Perhaps our paths will cross again some day.

  • *She looks around and smiles. She sensed no danger and the smell of the air was so pure.* We made it! *She would also bow* There’s no need to thank me! I appreciate your company. It made the trip seem so much quicker. Do you know which way you are heading?

  • *opens her umbrella to avoid the sun.* I have to say, you’re very observant. I’m glad to meet you as well Urakaze! *the further they went, the closer they got to their destination. They had become friends during their trip and she was happy to have the company.* There’s the tower she pointed. Nothing followed us and we can just go right up. They say, the exit is at the very top of the tower!

  • *She looks at Urakaze.* How did you know my name? I didn’t mention it to you? But if you will call me by a name, please, just call me Kikuno!

  • *She squeezes the water out of her hair and puts it in a braid.* I’m glad to have a companion. And it looks like you are capable with weapons. *She noticed her artillery. She bends down to pick up her umbrella and smiles.* It would be wise to get going. I don’t want to have to fight again for now. I really wanted to avoid it.

  • *Kikuno had stepped into hostile territory. She wanted to make her way into the new world. She knew she was strong enough to take on a giant with ease, her Yato heritage made that all to easy. She just didn’t want to awaken that lust for fighting especially since she was going into a new world and she wanted to change. After having heard from her cousin Kagura how well she was treated by her family, she wanted to visit and to have a chance at remaking her own history.* I admire you little cousin! I hope to be with you and your family soon! *She thought and would smile. She held the heavy purple umbrella which was one of many distinguishing traits of the Yato tribe. She crouched down near an abandoned building. There was a window that allowed her to look around. As she waited for the coast to clear, she made her way through the pathway on the map Kagura sent her. She wasn’t sure if she was ready the map correctly until she saw others carefully making their way to the new world. And then she felt it, the ground made everyone bounce. Kikuno saw a large group of people shivering in fear.* I guess it can’t be helped. *She watched as the giant was approaching them and lept forward towards the giant’s face, she used the full force of her foot to smash its nose and then as it was falling she jumped right on it’s throat. The barbarian giant tried to gasp for air. Kikuno could hear the people who shivered gasp and then run. She was glad they were able to get away. She then jumped to the giant’s chin and jumped up high allowing her to fall downward, she pushed her umbrella in front of her, it was closed and would be used like a dagger to pierce through the giant’s throat. She broke through. Her whole body, hair and dress were soaked in blood. She heard the gurgle of the giant and lept out of his throat.* Tsk, what a shame. I’m all bloodied up now. I better find a nearby stream and wash up. *This is how she ran into Urakaze. They stared at each other and after noticing Urakaze was also crossing the border, she explained what happened to the girl. And went to the side of the beach to wash herself off. She now had someone as company during this trip.*