♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒
Forum Replies Created
♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒
MemberJanuary 29, 2014 at 1:36 am in reply to: That planet with equestria“Oh that, you mean what the trolls and some humans use, yeah I deduced as such since my troll friend uses one I assume it works similar,However I never really understood them but to each their own” he continues trotting forward “also I never heard your name mister”
♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒
MemberJanuary 29, 2014 at 12:39 am in reply to: That planet with equestria“Hmm …follow me” he trots off toward this fores like place but stops for a second “oh yeah if your’re new here you’ll need this” he pulls a tablet like device out of his beige bag. The device has a power button and is currently off. it seems pretty basic and is shaped like an ellipse.
♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒
MemberJanuary 29, 2014 at 12:12 am in reply to: That planet with equestria“Ah it’s a multiverse thing I have a friend who deals with that stuff, Also I’m Sleuth Hunter by the way, but this pearl I think I know where you can find it, I can help you find it I mean that’s what my cutie mark says” Sleuth turns to the side and shows a a mark resembling a magnifying glass and a question mark “oh wait that means you weren’t originally a pony” He then turns off to the side mumbling to himself
new oc portrait Sleuth Hunter added new info another mysterious traveler -
♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒
MemberJanuary 28, 2014 at 11:18 pm in reply to: That planet with equestriaa teal coated pony with a short brown mane bumps into Taren “ow what wa-” as soon as the pony notices Taren he desperately tries to apologize ” oh crud I’m sorry you bumped into I was busy loo- wait are you looking for something too”
♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒
MemberJanuary 20, 2014 at 10:59 pm in reply to: achievements n' suchPlayer portraits
Taren Recurio -
♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒
MemberJanuary 20, 2014 at 10:56 pm in reply to: achievements n' such.06999%
♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒
MemberJanuary 20, 2014 at 10:56 pm in reply to: achievements n' suchJournal
biweekly news
“Guide to the game”
Pony ville murderer
Turn it on it changes into what you want it to look like that’s just it’s basic form it scan’s you for information. It mainly and keeps records of your adventure and the people you meet it also casts spells at your command though basic at first and it drains power also it can keep notes gathers health info of you and enemies and that’s just basic features you can download more -
♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒
MemberJanuary 20, 2014 at 10:33 pm in reply to: That planet with equestriaThe hologram man was here too well here a green hologram pony. In the atmosphere it can be heard “Everyone thank you for watching the biweekly universal news now for news first if you’re new to the universe (a multiverse traveler) them got to local general store and get a copy of the “guide of the game” manual also Guild pay increases alternia conspiracy etc. etc. Also can you find a catfolk phoenix thing he/she’s been missing for months so find it for the gamemaster.” After that he talks about random news happening on each planet “on equestria suspicions rise who is this mysterious murderer in ponyville” and then it starts fading but says “oh and taren… good luck.” Then vanishes and every one goes about their buisness as if nothing happened.
New info
biweekly news
“Guide to the game”
Pony ville murderer
Guilds -
(upon taren’s descent a gargantuan green holograph of a man is seen saying things and people seem to walk towards it it cannot be heard clear enough from where you are now though)
Yes, yes it is
((Is group 2 troop 1 dead or pretty much lost))
Arron “Just A Title really” x
Bard of Space
All and none
10,000,000,002,014Red-orange fur, red wings,9 fox tails, purse backpack with random weapons, scars across back hazel eyes.
Mpd with each personality giving different powers forms and each a different color they areArronic mix Dot yellow Aldi electric blue Iga dark gray Amako steel Gail sky blue Konton chaos Doc light green Blackjack black Wep white Psycho fuzzy wuzzy Spud small potatoes Beat teal Calm pink Grenadi atomic tangerine Transit periwinkle Hevell gray Banzai amber Original same as traditional Hatred red
Draco arylide yellow Mikon flesh Creep peach Arty Primary colors Ospy tan also can use irony violently insane was created to destroy hope (reflected in his/her/it’s mood) wise has a cardboard box that can travel the multiverse tardis effect.Attracts irony
Can’t stay mad long often confused with self
Can only stay a personality for a short period -
Char. creation
Native or Multiversial (basically were you born here)
Destined God tier*(whether or not you have it yet)
Base Class**
Fandoms or OC
Law or Chaos(any preference)
Abilities(and/or weapons
Flaws(at least two)
**when not using aspect or not having god tier
***can use photo
Psssssssssssssssssssssssssssss you can pretty much add anything you want -
New titles are
Ninja active one who causes their aspectand blends in
Ninja of breath creates wind and moves through it to get in close
Distorter on who messes up their aspect
Distorter of mind passive mixes up an opponents mind confusing info
Weaponizer active uses aspect to have a permanent physical weapon form
Weaponizer of mind can turn the energy of mind into a permanent katana
Summoner summons element to attack or protect with a mind of it’s own but with commands like protect or attack.
It can be used with passive by guarding allies or healing
and active it can be used to attack while guarding the summoner
Summoner of light to surround allies in a wall of light -
“Well guess I should get acquainted”, the young man says “hey guys I’m shota.” Shota turns to see everyone and looks around “hey not bad, wonder where to go.”