♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒
Forum Replies Created
Shoto Kibi
175 lbs (or around 80 kg)
Appearance: japanese albino short white hair red eyes otherwise basic build of young adult
clothes vary on situation (armor when going in to battle casual clothes when relaxing etc)
Info: Practical jokester doesn’t take much too seriously. He was slightly traumatized by having to kill someone threatening to murder his family but the experience has caused him to not show remorse when loved ones lives are on the line. Since then he was a mercenary for a short period of time. fights with any weapon on hand (even his bare hands if needed) is not especially the master of anything is well talented in lots and is very versatile. also as a trickster he will use tricks and jokes to annoy confuse or distract enemies -
♒Eridan caligulasAquarium Ampora♒
MemberDecember 12, 2013 at 3:13 am in reply to: OC/Canon Character Sign-UpI guess i’ll do mine
short name: arron
age: some time over billion
race: phoenix/catfolk/kitsune/curse
job: professional psychopath with mpd/curse on humanity
weapon: whatever is pulled out of the purse usually various katana, blade of light, immortal blade, model 460v revolver that holds 8 bullets, staff, rifle blade,gunblade
gender: hermaphrodite(varies)
alignment chaotic neutral
height 4’9″
bio: arronic scarlet claw or arron for short is a fighter who simply has no worries. he/she appears as the gender they want t be at the time or which ever benefits them when she/he’s not arron his other personalities are iga(ninja), amako(samurai), ali(gunslinger), dot(happy),psycho(ferocious),konton(chaos&tentacles),cdo(medic),blackjack(alchemical shaman/mage), gail(Full phoenix),beat(music),ospy(cosplay and ability steal),spud(potatoes), hevell(angelic demon), grenadier(KABOOOM) to name a few.
he\she was created in a lab by unconventional means of speedgrowth and being born in an incubator meaning he technically had a biological mom and dad. also when created they messed up so they left the creation in an frozen state in which caused her/him to be temporarily blind for a part of his/her life later after being released he/she was used as a weapon of chaos and destrucion and well… they got the chaos part right they never really wanted to destroy without purpose (usually money) as a bonus gene they can regenerate all but one limb (ironically the one cut off) so he uses a robot arm that can turn into a mega buster. when a child they were treated badly being that children created in the kichigai program were to be treated badly mainly to avoid rebellion, to show how life was in reality, to decrease morality and care for others, and to keep them strong, once old enough they were put to work eventually someone named imperion rebels successfully but it sorta turned out worse with the one rebelling establishing a worse government than before however with imperions great people skills he convinced them that this was better arron was having none of it confronted him and was ultimately exiled to another post apocalyptic dimension. arron then stayed there a while made some friends and betrayed most of them causing him to be cursed with immortality to never forget later he found means of escape(not a tardis because he couldn’t get a license ) it looked like a cardboard box when disguised it was bigger on the inside but instead of traveling through time it only traveled through space and the multiverse. the multiverse is on one material plane but connected with jello-like bonds this heated up enough to break those bonds because of the high temperature needed it had an external cooling system. he/she went to a new dimension to call home this one had futuristic elements modern elements and medieval elements. So that’s where he/she stayed mostly while befriending someone named mike (who was later turned immortal by arron) and they went on adventures for years after a while arron got everyone he/she wronged to forgive him/her undoing the curse but because death didn’t want to deal with him/her death made arron a curse on all life though arron can go to the underworld for a break when needed.