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Malice glares at Jack, keeping quiet, simply leaving her comments to herself. Parapara looks at Malice understanding how she feels, he tries to calm her down a little.
“Let her go she hasn’t done a single thing to you”
Malice glared at him “I won’t accept it or anything else you say, you won’t change my mind”
Malice looked at him angrily “They are not Daomers and I am not a human!”, Mimi then spoke “I doubt that our memory have been tampered with at all if that was the case then certain things would have been different.”
Mimi looks at Jack “Well then there’s a difference between a Daomer and a Demon, us Demons cannot do a thing without consent from our master, if we are to act on our own will and go kill humans and destroy things for no reason then we will be faced with punishment by death, it is a very strict rule placed upon us to avoid problems with humans. So please may I ask of you to not refer to us a Daomers, unlike them we are similar to humans in more than one way.”
Malice pouted “Fine I’ll try but I make no promises”
Malice looked at Jack “I refuse to be called a human or even refer to myself as one, I truly hate them and my name, I didn’t name myself the demons named me, but the humans did had a name they called me that’s for sure.” Malice said angrily “and don’t worry Rose I haven’t done that since well you know that happened.”
“Very creative in killing and torturing more like it” Malice says with a tone of hate in voice towards humans.
Malice looked at Rose “It would probably be better off if humans were without technology it leads to a lot of problems and struggle for power and then corruption and war.”
“Okay. Hm.. Well how exactly do we do updates?” Malice says lookin at Pandora.
Malice followed the group and listened to their conversation “wouldn’t it be better to have a full thought out plan before doing anything else?”
Malice then changes and looks at Katherine “Done”
“Its fine” Mimi replies with a smile. Malice picks out a dark dress with simple accessories “Ready!” Malice says looking at Katherine. Mimi then makes the clothes disappear.
Mimi looked at the two not understanding how they forgot to change, “I have a large collection of clothing that I have stored over the years feel free to choose from there” she says as she summons up a variety of outfits for them to choose from.
Malice stared at Katherine “Hey I think we forgot to do something..” she said pointing at Katherine’s clothing, “We forgot to change”