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“Are you sure..this isn’t a regular dagger it has a special kind of writing that can be dangerous if read incorrectly” Malice says looking at him.
Malice nods putting the dagger away again.
“Hm~?” Malice looks back at Kika “nothing just the usual~” she then looks at Odysseus “Oh thank you”
Malice tightens her grip mumbling something in demonic language, unsure of what to do she looks at the dagger.
Malice sighs, “I am a 216 year old sorcerer, I made pacts with demons because they cared for me, I am not what you think, I have trust in everyone here and have no evil desires. Rose trusts me and you trust her so why can’t you believe me?” She looks at Jack.
“They are not Daomers, you don’t now a thing about us or what we’ve been through to make conclusions if we wanted to do something we would have already done it!” Malice hugs the two demons, “I won’t let you hurt them, the people who care about me.”
“No they’re demons not whatever that is they only crave my blood, Mimi and Parapara won’t do a thing unless I tell them to!” Malice says seriously.
“Don’t understand don’t understand where I come from they are demons we made a pact binding soul, mind and blood~” Malice says as she stores the dropped dagger in Mimi.
“Huh?” Malice gave Jack a strange look.
“My that is very simple its the same as the contract with Parapara~and what do you think I should ask in return hm~? huh? Excuse me, we may continue this conversation later.” Malice goes to Jack, “Yes~?”
Malice laughs, “My dear my dear they are my family and friends no simple pets, what kind of fee?” she asks curiously.
Malice looks at Heiklm, “My oh my I’m not sure if should make another contract~hm…is it really worth it~” Malice says laughing to herself.
Parapara and Mimi stares at Heiklm, “Ah I see~, no I have no reply”
Malice nods watching them disappear .